Just breaking, via NY Times:
Rick Santorum is suspending his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination on Tuesday, according two of his advisers, bowing to the inevitability of Mitt Romney’s nomination and ending his improbable, come-from-behind quest to become the party’s conservative standard-bearer in the fall.
Mr. Santorum is due to make the announcement at a stop in his home state of Pennsylvania after a weekend in which he tended to his three-year-old daughter, Bella, who had been hospitalized with pneumonia.
A 2 p.m. press conference is scheduled, live video feed here.
Update: Newt reacts:
“I am committed to staying in this race all the way to Tampa so that the conservative movement has a real choice. I humbly ask Senator Santorum’s supporters to visit Newt.org to review my conservative record and join us as we bring these values to Tampa. We know well that only a conservative can protect life, defend the Constitution, restore jobs and growth and return to a balanced budget.”
His website has been updated:

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
A sad day indeed. I wonder how much of his decision is due to Bella?
That has to be the biggest reason, IMO. He was doing well but this is the second time poor Bella has had to be hospitalized for pneumonia. Family has to come first. God bless him, his family, his supporters (who have to be heart-broken) and watch over Bella.
While I would not discount for a moment that his daughter and, by extension, the rest of his family had something to do with all of this I genuinely believe this had more to do with the proverbial writing on the Pennsylvania wall than it did Bella.
Too bad. I wanted this thing to keep going for a while (seriously- Romney is going to have a hell of a fight this fall, and a bruising series of primaries has, and would continue, to make him a better candidate).
Romney didn’t like Gingrich’s asking price, so he offered something slightly sweeter to Santorum and Santorum accepted.
Exactly what remains to be seen.
Since you certainly wouldn’t claim to know things that you can’t personally verify, please tell us when this meeting occurred, how much the offer was, and how *you* got invited.
Enquiring minds want to know.
I believe that Gingrich has already stated that he does not expect to be the nominee and that he will support Romney since the real goal now is to evict Obama at any cost.
Now is the time to unite and see to it that Obama and the rest of the cabal of Chicago hoods are served with eviction papers in November…
PFFFFFT! People have been saying ‘it’s time to unite behind Romney” before the first primary even took place. No it isn’t. It’s time to fight even harder than before against Romney. Even if you think Romney has it sewn up, don’t let the Establishment GOP win without a battle that makes them a little afraid, for goodness sakes. We have to keep up the fight! Don’t give in now!
Oh my.
After his statements WRT Zimmerman, I see no great loss.
1. To revisit what I commented some time ago: In the interests of the conservative coalition, I restrain comment on Santorum. De mortuis nil nisi bonum. Okay, nil.
2. But if you claim that Romney would be worse than Obama…don’t try me too high.
3. Our host persuaded me of Newt’s merits. As others have noted, there is still plenty of time for surprises.
His poll numbers were dropping in Penn. I suspect that is what lead to his suspending of his campaign. Romney is getting a lot of support from tea parties in the state, which is surprising to me.
It will be interesting to see how Newt fares now. He said last night he was campaigning all the way to the convention.
I think that’s it – a loss in Pennsylvania would have been the permanent end to any future run for political office for Santorum. In fact, that seems to me the only downside of his dropping out – he may come back like Harold Stassen: he’s tanned, he’s rested, he’s ready, he’s a buffoon!
For all my dislike of him as a candidate, I sincerely wish him and his family, especially his daughter, well. God bless and protect them!
I second your second paragraph.
Tea Party support for Romney is bizarre – irrational – STUPID.
Conclusive proof that you do not speak for the TEA Party.
The Tea Parties supporting Romney do not represent the Tea Party.
Says you.
I agree that probably it has to do a lot with the polling in Pa. I have seen many negative comments around the net.
The fact remains, the GOP still has a problem with Romney. I guess we’ll wait and see what Newt does.
Romney will be the nominee. He was not my first choice, but he is far preferable to Obama. Whatever their misgivings, the GOP must now get behind Romney and do everything possible to get him elected. Staying home on election day is the wrong thing to do unless you want Obama for 4 more years.
Romney is the Joker – who knows WTH he will do…and I do mean H.
He is a proven liberal, liar, crook, profligate consumer of public funds for all his endeavors. He has no position he has not stated; no position he has not supported and implemented; no principle he would not abandon for a vote or a dollar. He is one of the inner circle of elites. He is a dirty, dangerous man and I utterly abhor him.
Lets say your little tantrum-rant is true and Romney is a ‘joker’ and ‘who knows what he will do’ – even in that case, with Obama WE KNOW EXACTLY WHAT HE WILL DO.
There is NO CHANCE Of good.
You’re right about O. It will only get worse. I’ll vote for Romney only because he’s not a Marxist, which is pretty sad. I was hoping for a better reason to vote this time.
Newt should immediately respectfully demand that Romney consent to a live 3 hours debate now that the field of candidates has do dramatically shifted. Whether or not Paul shows up is largely irrelevant, but he would also be invited.
That would put him back into the driver’s seat for the purposes of controlling votes yet to be had.
Newt’s a worse-for-wear long-shot at this point, but if he can get some traction, there’s still the “not-Romney” vote to be had.
The other question is whom will Santorum put his support behind? If he chooses Romney, it becomes very difficult to determine a Gingrich win path (although those supporters of Santorum can rightly be called out for his hypocrisy). If he chooses Gingrich, it quite strengthen’s Gingrinch’s hand going into some of the later, more conservative primaries (although with largely less votes, this may be irrelevant except in Texas and California).
The other question is will the RNC stick to their guns about the reduction in delegates for holding unapproved primaries prior to super Tuesday. That could change the math dramatically.
Damn Chuck, you are right on the money. Watch this interview with Hannity. With the kind of platform Newt wants Republicans will really have something to run on that cuts across party lines but is conservative to the core. Without Newt in this race there would be no big important issues. It’s been like a McCain vs McCain with Romney and Santorum except for what they copied from Newt.
Benson II — I so agree with you, it’s the big ideas.
As long as Newt is in this race, I’m with him 100%.
With Newt as the nominee, we will win a decisive, clear victory this fall. We will win a Team victory with a written agenda. We’ll defeat Obama, and then we’ll restore our country’s economy and Constitution.
The plan for restoration makes all the difference.
What world do you guys live in? It’s over. Santorum’s done. Newt’s done. Somebody tell Ron Paul that he’s done. Our nominee in Romney. Now let’s go get Obama and return this country back to the people who made it strong.
Romney is ill-equipped to do anything of the sort. His business and government life was bolstered by billions of US taxpayer dollars. He is a fake and not capable of restoring or reforming what is wrong.
So, can we count on you either staying home in November or endorsing Obama now?
The TEXAS Republican Party says their upcoming debate is NOT optional – they issued a warning – http://hardincountyconservatives.blogspot.com/2012/04/texas-gop-passes-resolutions-warning.html
So far, Romney has not consented to participate.
What warning? In what way is the debate not optional? It looks to me like it’s very optional, and Romney may well blow it off, and this resolution will not in any way affect his delegate count as a result. It’s not as if they said that if you don’t come to the debate you won’t be on the ballot, or you won’t be allowed to get any delegates. All they said is that we guess that voters won’t like it; well, Romney is far better able than them to judge what voters will or won’t like. So what does this resolution amount to, beyond meaningless yapping?
What for? The media will twist their words and make them out to be unreasonable thugs.
It is time to work on voting out Obama and taking the Senate.
Good move to get out before a humiliating loss in Pennsylvania. Still cannot believe he won 11 states.He has a much brighter political future now and a lovely family. I am afraid Newt is done (as much as I hate to say it out loud, I am still in denial) – he owes too much money, but it will be fun to see where he lands.
Newt might not be short of money in the next 48 hours. I know I’m going to send another contribution right now.
With Santorum out, this changes *lots* of things!
Hoo Ha!!
newt.org is down, at present – overloaded with those Santorum supporters and not-Romney’s, I’ll bet!!!
Newt Rising!!! I hope so……he is truly the last, best hope for Conservatives standing!!
A new site has been launched to replace newtsnetwork.com.
Please join us, volunteer & donate!
I hope that especially those of you who have been so fantastic commenting & cross posting will join up.
KGeorge, I’m told the new site is AWESOME. My friend said it was jammed because everyone’s trying to get on. He said there’s a cool chat room. Woo hoo. This is exciting.
Ok, I am not going to lie, I have prayed for this day yet I feel so bad. Maybe it’s the fear that he is going to endorse Romney again like he did in 08. However, I hope and pray he throws his support behind Newt.
It won’t make any difference. Romney will be the nominee. Do you want Romney or Obama? Those will be your only realistic choices.
It may be Romney and I will vote for Romney over BHO, however, I don’t think Romney will win. I don’t think he will be able to beat the BHO Communist machine. My heart is still with Newt and I just have to remember that it was Santorum who bowed out and not Newt.
Romney can win if we focus on beating Obama and not tearing up Romney.
Well, some of us are quite aware how this election is being run. We Newt supporters are very loyal and still believe he is the one to be President.
The GOP made the mistake by shutting the conservatives out. We won’t tolerate it and still have a voice, which we will use.
Yep – the Republicans are playing a dirty game – shoving a dirty candidate in our faces. Even CPAC caved and invited liberal Romney to speak.
On why it is difficult to get a conservative nominated, much less elected. http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/morning-jay-nomination-rules-are-rigged-against-conservatives_616072.html
May God be merciful to America – and bring us out of our evil ways, especially to repent of the sin of abortion.
Uncle Samuel, well said. I do believe that God is in control of this election. A lot of people have been praying for Newt.
my choice is whomnever I choose to vote for not whomever others say I should vote for.
I trust romney less than obama, hes swapped positions publicly more often than obama has.
Oh come on. That isn’t even a serious position to hold.
You knwo EXACTLY how bad Obama is and will be. To claim ROmney is worse is patently ridiculous. YOu might not like him, but really. Come on. At least ATTEMPT to be serious.
what major policy has he not swapped on depending on the mood of the day?
name a few.
obama has acted exactly like he told us he would, people just did not believe him when he said he would screw us.
anyone that admits hes a progressive does not get my vote.
I know what you mean, Terri. Even though I never actively prayed for Santorum to get out, the fact that Bella got sick again is sad. If he had to get out, it should have been because Newt was kicking his butt, not because he has a baby that is in precarious health. Prayers for Bella.
I hope you do not think that I would EVER wish ill on Bella. NO WAY! My wish for her is that she grows up to live a happy life. However, it was purely politics my praying for Santorum to drop out. I am a Newt supporter and have been a Newt supporter the whole time and until Newt is out of the race I will continue to support him and I will vote for him here in PA.
Oh, Gosh no! I know you would never ever do that. I didn’t mean to even vaguely imply you would. Please forgive me it it read that way.
Thank You so much for clarifying.
hi delicountessa and Terri – like you, I was also thinking how much I hope little Bella will be completely well. If I may say, your courtesy and kindness is touching. I love you for it.
Part of me feels bad & I am praying that Bella will thrive & grow up to be the little miracle that she is, but Santos supporters have really been on a tear so it’s hard for me to feel that sorry for them.
Who do you support?
Many of the (especially Santorum’s) delegates have been “non-bound” so the so-called HUGE delegate counts favoring Romney have been bogus from the start.
The REAL question is how deep is the fix in for Romney. I’ve read that the Repub super-delegates have decided. Why have a primary?!
I hope and pray that @Chuck Skinner’s hope comes true: Romney will refuse, but it is imperative that Newt call for a new debate between those now remaining – maybe Hannity can moderate?!
This is NOT over, but the establishment Republicans seem to WANT to lose the presidency (as Rush often says). Otherwise, why can’t a majority get behind Romney? Why would the establishment Repub’s back such a flip-flopping, easy target?
Get ready for the Dem’s to blast Romney……hey! Maybe they’ll attack so hard, Romney won’t be able to get the nomination – too toxic! They seem to have both barrels loaded for bear……and panting, drooling to get started on tearing down Romney, Mormons, the rich, the author of ObamaCare……. This will NOT be pretty.
I agree and think newt has been holding out for Pennsylvania. If people still want a nonromney they still have a choice. newt may not have the cash to go after Romney but obama has been salivating for this moment. Who knows, maybe the Bain info will finally be vetted from the left. Romney’s negatives are already high–will he be toxic by Tampa? The Gop has been ready to throw him overboard a few times already, targeting the superdelegates was probably a wise strategy. Hope newt can get some attention and a good moneybomb.
On Newt as a strategist: Listen to what these people say about him:
Mona Charen and Christopher Hitchens: http://youtu.be/x_mSxhxvDrE
Dan Rather: http://campaign2012.washingtonexaminer.com/blogs/beltway-confidential/dan-rather-newt-dangerous-wounded-wolverine
With all his machine, Romney is a wuss by comparison.
And yet the master strategist (“Master Craftsman” to Hope) can’t seem to put together either a winning fundraising team or viable national campaign…
Last week, when the piece appeared about his kid being in the hospital again, I thought Santorum was going to have to give up the campaign soon. It’s too much pressure to campaign and worry about your kid at the same time, even if he had been winning.
May God bless him and his family and grant them all some peace now that this campaign is done.
The rest of us will continue to be tortured by the horror of choosing between a Massachusetts socialist and a Chicago communist.
Dear Good Professor,
AS PROMISED, I am now joining you on Team NEWT!
He’s the last anti-jihadi standing in the GOP race.
Say NO to DhiMITTude, vote NEWT!
Zilla, your statement makes me so happy.
I absolutely can’t believe the ‘logic’ of some of the posters here, now believing it’s going to be a reversal towards Gingrich!!!!
You all might as well vote with the Obama crew. Because, just as those people think Obama is the be-all-end-all making this country great (which sounds crazy to those of us with different values), so do you who are trying to ramp up enthusiam for a man having few delegates, has won 1 state, who is deep in debt, and who should have dropped out a long time ago!
Newt has won two states…South Carolina and Georgia.
The primaries aren’t over and Romney doesn’t have the delegates yet.
And where exactly do you think all of those Santorum delegates are going to go? Who, precisely, do you think they are going to support now?
Wake up. It’s over. You stayed true to your values and most of you are to be respected for it but it’s time to move on Scorpio. You lost this battle, you have not won the war. Focus on the long fight and help us all beat Obama in November.
For too many here, it was never about logic or reason but, rather, emotion and impulse.
So true, and apparently it still is that way too!
In the meantime, another conservative switches their support in order to win the 2012 election!
Foster Friess ready to help Romney
And, here you have the hanger-on candidate who stiffs Utah.
Gingrich’s $500 check bounces when trying to file for Utah primary
Obviously you Romney thugs are still scared because you are still here ankle biting. See how that works. We are NOT voting for a leftist!
Obviously you don’t know what either “obviously” or “scared” means JRD.
You lost. Get over it. Or don’t. No one cares.
seriously, JRD, I agree.
Imagine if you will — Newt’s platform ideas have caught on with the American People. The pressure to make Newt the nominee is rising, rising. Newt is inevitable!
How happy and relieved!! What a great feeling!! Happy for our country! Relieved that we’re going to have a great economy again and shrink the federal government back down to what it is supposed to be! A great future!! The young grads will have jobs!!
See the picture? Happy and relieved! Joyful. Excited for the future. Picture it. Feel the lift of dread, the happiness flowing in.
And the thing we do in that situation is go and leave disagreeable, disrespectful comments at a site that supports Romney!?! Please. In what universe? I don’t think so.
If they weren’t scared of Newt, they wouldn’t be here.
Newt is a mortal threat to the GOPE.
If we make Newt the nominee, we’ll win this fall in a DECISIVE victory with a clear agenda.
And then WE, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, will restore and renew the United States of America: we’ll be safer, wealthier, with a higher standard of living, and we’ll pay off the national debt.
Everyone knows Romney will be the nominee. That’s not the point.
Newt is holding fast to give conservatism a voice. That’s all.
Shocking how many want to silence that voice, in the name of “party unity”.
Let me know when the GOP RINO establishment starts to include conservatives (2010 anybody?) into their “party of unity”, instead of trying to crush them.
Any doubt Romney is whispering to the left-wing of the Republican Party “hey, wait until after the election…er..I have the nomination locked up…I’ll have more flexibility”
I don’t.
…..end rant.
Newt, currently being interviewed by Hannity on the radio, confirms his motivation for staying in-as stated above.
(he led off the interview with very kind words on Santorum)
No one is trying to silence voices. People are worried about Obama winning. People are concerned about the erosion of confidence in the Republican party, mainly attributed to all the internal squabbles between republican factions. People look at the down-ticket impact this all has should the party continue to be fractured by disgruntled people.
What if Gingrich were the frontrunner right now, and it was Romney who had won only one state, and was a distant 3rd place in delegate count. What would you think of Romney if he was trying to rally the forces behind him, essentially giving Gingrich the finger, just so he could continue on being an obstacle for Gingrich getting the eventual nod? Would you respect the man and his followers for sticking to his guns as well as sticking it to the party?
Yes, people are trying to silence voices.
You’re trying to stop the game at half time.
You’re trying to call the game in the fifth inning.
Perhaps your state has voted. Perhaps you have already played your part.
Half the country has not.
Thanks much for not shutting us up before we’ve even had a chance to have our say.
What you said…
My State hasn’t and I intend to vote for Newt!
Dittos for me in my state!
You have Breitbart as your icon. But, you definitely don’t represent his message, which was to support the best candidate in order to beat Obama. He definitely would not support this group in expending needless energy, being more like stumbling blocks than helpmates in dislodging Obama from the presidency. Bretibart’s CPAC speech was clear about this!
On April 29, we FINALLY get to vote in my state, and now that my first choice is out (Rick Santorum), I will be proudly and happily casting my vote for NEWT GINGRICH.
I will support whoever the nominee ends up being, but NOBODY is going to bully me into supporting dhiMITTude Romney one damned second before I absolutely HAVE TO.
The GOP elitist snobs trying to cram Mittens down our throats can take their fake “unity” (which really just means shut up and do what you’re told – no different from Obama in that respect) and SHOVE IT!
Giving all registered Republican voters a chance to actually VOTE for who they feel is the best candidate in the Republican primaries DOES NOT HURT THE PARTY, but trying to deny us that opportunity DOES.
+20 to your last paragraph
This is a matter of principle, not people, not politics, not principal, not party.
This is a matter of Victory or Death.
Obama’s people are cold blooded killers.
Marxists and Islamists have killed more people than all wars combined.
They do not recognize Geneva conventions, Marquess of Queensbury rules, Roberts rules of order or even the US Constitution/Bill of Rights, laws… you know damn well this is true.
A week’s news from the Middle East will remind you.
Stalin, Hitler, even the last atrocity in Toulouse France – the cold-blooded murders committed by Muhammed Merah – but to have the muslims in France declare him a hero shows the condition of their minds and souls: http://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/analysis/jihad-in-france-just-beginning/2012/04/02/ They are consumed by hatred and evil. This hatred and violence is written in the core texts of the Koran…and spewed out weekly by the Sheikhs, Imams and Mullahs.
YET Romney (and his sons) excuse, even praise Obama…and soft-pedal his support for Islam and ties to the Moslem Brotherhood and Hezbollah through the Black Panthers.
OBAMA MARCHED WITH PANTHERS 2007 – http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2011/10/shock-photos-barack-obama-marched-with-new-black-panthers-at-2007-selma-rally/
PANTHERS TIED TO HEZBOLLAH – http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2012/04/probe-reveals-new-black-panther-ties-to-hezbollah.html
Romney is poorly equipped to even debate Obama, much less battle him.
You boy is toxic to the down ticket.
Ain’t Necessarily so.
The left wing of Romney is far FAR to the right of the right wing of Obama.
Browndog, I think if everyone “knew” Romney was going to be the nominee, no one would post here, repeatedly, that Romney for sure will be the nominee.
This is an election like nothing we’ve seen in recent memory.
If it’s true that the United States was born partly because Divine Providence helped the American Army, as George Washington said, it may be that something is unfolding that will help us to restore our Constitutional Republic.
Nothing about this is certain. Some 55% -60% of Republican voters are rejecting Romney, which IMO they are very wise to do.
It’s very possible that Romney will not be the nominee.
Yes, and anywhere from 80-90% of the conservative electorate is rejecting Newt Gingrich and even Ron Paul is pulling higher numbers on average than he is…
Terry Branstad, endorses Romney……
…….as does Herman Cain.
These men have their eyes on the bigger picture (defeating Obama, retaining the House, and securing the Senate), rather than on trying to get behind a smaller-minded candidate who is mainly in the race for himself!
Your quotes do nothing to impress me towards Romney.
They just make me think less of those you quoted.
Romney represents me as much as Obama does.
You still can give NO reasons why I should vote for Romney other than that he’s not Obama.
You resort to quoting others quotes.
Not citing Romney’s record wherein it differs from Obama’s.
Or Romney’s policies wherein they differ from Obama’s.
In short, no sale.
I’m not trying to impress anyone. The links were to indicate how minds are turning in the direction of becoming team players, for the greater good, rather than spoilers who want to continue the already failed candidacy of Gingrich. That is what many of these comments are showing — how to be a bad loser.
Just look at the odds that Gingrich faces. He has to win somewhere over 80% of the remaining delegates to get even near the qualifying number that are needed!!!!
Furthermore, I wouldn’t care who you supported, except that your poor judgment, might ultimately effect the GE, and helping the current office holder win reelection.
I see.
When you “win” what will you “win”?
My guess?
You’ll be the first back here blaming us…when you don’t.
Ever hear of Davey Crockette?
Davey Crockette? Nope, never heard of her…
Failed campaign?
How you figure?
AFAICS, the game’s not over.
It’s the fifth inning.
Look at the odds the Red Sox faced in the 2004 American League Championship Series:
Down 0-3 in the series. Down in the the fourth game.
They won the next 4 games against the Yankees to win the ALCS. I believe every one of those 4 games went to extra innings.
Good thing they didn’t stop playing cuz, you know, folks like you said they had a failed series cuz they were down 0-3.
Yet according to you, the Red Sox should’ve packed it in sometime in the fourth game since, you know, they were down 0-3 and NO ONE had ever come back from an 0-3 deficit.
And yet they didn’t quit.
And won the World Series.
Imagine that.
Please, somebody shoot me. Shoot me now.
So, when exactly is halftime in a politico-baseball analogy?
Rick fought a pretty good fight. He went a long way against very heavy odds. He was never my guy, but he’s basically one of the good guys, and I wish him and his family happiness, good health and prosperity.
I think his spineless Trayvon Martin gaffe helped put him further behind, including in PA. It showed him to be a bandwagon guy and a “follow the wind” pandering opportunist, which are the last characteristics we want to see now or anytime. In addition to that, Obama’s “GOP is anti-woman” campaign harmed him inasmuch as he is a strongly pro-life Catholic, all of which is part of Obama’s ongoing effort to make sure Mittens is the GOP candidate.
Just tried to contribute to Newt – can’t get on his official site – it’ slammed.
Mine timed out bringing up the post-submit “thank you” page, but the donation conformation email still showed up.
What will Romney do with his multi-million dollar attack ad buy in Pennsylvania against Santorum?
I have an idea….
Train it back on Newt.
Mitt will NEVER attack Obama as hard as he attacks Republicans.
It. is. not. in. him.
He has spent the last 4 years agreeing with Obama while running for president. Cognitive dissonance seems to have no affect on the man.
McPain redux.
How about Newt challenges Romney to a 3 hour debate. When Romney declines, Newt have a debate with a maniquin of Romneys. First we have the 80’s Romney, then Governor Romney, then candidate Romney. Present his multitude of positions on every issue.
Notice, I said “when” Romney declines, not “if”.
Romney will decline. Ann Romney said she won’t let him debate again.
So – How’s he going to debate and beat Obama if he’s scared of debating Newt and gets upset with a mild-mannered Bret Baier interview?
Top dead center on Drudge…
check it out-
..then talk to me about party unity.
Yeah, but…
Friends don’t let friends blog stupid…
Spiking the football-
God help us…
Perhaps not Rags, but you (and yours) commenting stupid is an entirely different matter altogether, isn’t it?
You mean stupid comments like this?
WoodnWorld | April 10, 2012 at 7:33 pm
Please, somebody shoot me. Shoot me now.
A comment intentionally crafted to garner support from Newt haters AND Newt supporters, if for different reasons.
Picked up on that did you? Clever girl…
Seems that there is so much obama hatred and fear around, many people only care about ‘electability’, or in Romney’s case, perceived electability. I think the establishment message they’ve been pounding is that Romney is the only electable candidate, which I believe is not only false, but I see Romney as perhaps the least electable candidate in the field.
Anyway, I believe ‘electability’ to be a moot point because in the fall elections, you could run a ham sandwich against obama and win in an epic 57-state landslide. Given that, might as well go for whomever is most qualified, and Romney is not him. Newt always struck me as one who seeks to ‘fix’ government, even the many parts that are unfixable and should be eliminated.
Oh what happened to Michelle Bachmann, why did she never get any traction?
1. Anyway, I believe ‘electability’ to be a moot point because in the fall elections, you could run a ham sandwich against obama and win in an epic 57-state landslide.
Well, that’s not what the betting odds say. Obama is favored by about 3-to-2. Otoh, the sheer nastiness of the Democrats shows they’re seriously worried: no statesmanlike incumbency campaign on their part. For people who expect a GOP landslide, there are legal ways to make a good deal of money; I make no recommendation but wish them well.
2. The talking heads considered Friday’s jobs report to be disappointing. The Dow is below 13K; the S&P500 is below 14K; and the NASDAQ is below 3K.
3. Do I hope for bad economic news so my side can win the election? Few conservatives, I trust, put politics over country that way (though the Left may well make the accusation).
However, I do not want the election decided by flukish or manipulated economic events. If the economic news going forward accurately reflects the consequences of Obama’s policies, I say that’s fair enough.
…the S&P500 is below 14K…
Not only that, it’s below 1400! Yeesh.
The Singularity is not here, at least not yet.
Because she isn’t qualified. And if you are talking most qualified, it was ALWAYS , out of those that ran seriously, Rick Perry or Mitt Romney . That was it. Remember all of you that were complaining that Obama lacked any executive experience, and suddenly you are supporting Gingrich, Santorum and Bachman. DO any of you see the horrific inconsistency here?
I see the horrific idiocy in a comment that claims that Bachmann, Santorum and Gingrich are as unqualified as Obama.
They are equally unqualified from the standpoint of having any relevant experience – although I would grant that Gingrich has superior experience than the other non executives; speaker of the house is at least leading SOMETHING.
Nonsense – unless the only “relevant experience” is holding executive office, in which case McCain and Obama were “equally inexperienced” in 2008. If you took that position in 2008, it was idiotic. If you didn’t, then you are the one guilty of inconsistency now.
1. I see the inconsistency but support Newt anyway. Regardless of his practical prospects, Bill persuaded me that Newt’s the best available choice to sit in the President’s chair.
2. You neglected to mention Pawlenty and Johnson. Although I did not expect Gary Johnson to win, as a libertarian I am ticked that he did not receive serious consideration; it is what it is.
I am not exercised that you neglected to mention Huntsman.
Huntsman was never a serious candidate, for any period of time.
Pawlenty and Johnson were never in any serious contention in any states. The only ones that were ever in contention to win anywhere were those three. Pawlenty, you are right, would have been qualified – and Johnson perhaps more qualified than Santorum – or Gingrich – and that has nothing to do with how conservative you are or anything other than: Are you competent to, and do you have the particular SKILL set needed to do the job. I can dislike, say, Kobe Bryant all I like but he obviously is competent to his job, where joe down the street, who I like very much, is not qualified to do his job.
incidentally, childishly pressing a thumbs down does not make it any less true that they are not qualified for chief executive. DOes that make them bad people? Not at all. Does that make them wrong on policy, not really. But it DOES make them ‘Not qualified to be chief executive”
Keep pissing on Romney to insure that Obama has 4 more years to finish the job of ruining America. STOP IT!
IF there were anything, ANYTHING, good to recommend Romney, we would support him. Money and meanness does not a qualified candidate make.
You mad, bro?
Running out of lipstick?
Who is mad?
Sounds like Tom Sawyer..or whatever– is-
Stop “bashing” Romney…every time you guys say something bad about him, we have to apply more lipstick to this “pig” (no, I’m not calling him a pig–it’s a metaphor–and no, I don’t trust many here to get the metaphor–or sarcasm, or tongue-in-cheek-or a joke”
Yeah yeah. Lipstick. Pig. We got it the first time. Very clever.
Now go eat your brussels sprouts…
Make me.
Tell your boy Mittens to stop PISSING ON CONSERVATIVES, then maybe you won’t get laughed out of here for such asshattery as posted above.
Please, who is laughing at whom? Whose asshattery is most mock-worthy?
No one but the Left is pissing on conservatives. If, however, you are getting pissed on or (after everything we have seen from Team Obama in the last few days/weeks/months/years) you are more pissed at Romney than you are the Democrats, you are probably not a Conservative at all but, rather, one of those “bandwagon, pretenda-right, I-am-a-principled-Republican-but-only-if-I-get-my-way (read: an actual RINO)” types who just hopped on board with the political “thing” in the last few weeks/months/years.
Newsflash Champ: Obama is the enemy, not Romney.
A spot-on reply! All the energy devoted to whining and dismay over Romney being in the lead is dead weight, and gives nothing to the ultimate goals of getting this country away from the clutches of Obama, his czars, his regulations, taxation and the like.
Romney’s scorched earth campaign against his CONSERVATIVE opponents seems to have been overlooked by your selective memory. And now YOU are attacking conservatives (just like your boy Mittens has) because you are under the delusion that it is an effective strategy to garner support for Mitt.
You clearly know nothing about me at all and have not read anything else that I have written, even in this very thread. Take your know-nothing-know-it-all self righteous bloviating and shove it!
Please, don’t flatter yourself. I could care less for your “support.” I read every word you typed here. They were, collectively, underwhelming.
FYI – Here is the email that was sent out after the candidate suspended his campaign:
Key points from the email:
Thank you. For your support, for your encouragement, and for your prayers for our family, especially Bella. You may have heard that we were able to bring her home from the hospital last night.
She has pneumonia, but like her Dad, she’s a fighter. It’s in the blood.
Our good friends in Texas have been working non-stop to make sure that they have a say in the choice of our nominee, but without the state changing its delegate allocation to winner-take-all, I do not see a path forward that does not risk our shared objective of defeating Barack Obama in November. I want to thank them for their valiant efforts.
I am planning to do everything in my power to bring a change about in the White House. But our campaign has debt, and I cannot be free to focus on helping defeat him with this burden. I am asking you to consider one more contribution of $25, $50 or even $73.10.
romney is the candidate because people voted for him…simple as that. whether or not he was your favorite, he’s going to be the republican candidate running against obama. it’s time to stop all the childish whining about ‘rinos’ and who really is or isn’t conservative enough for you, harping on how much you don’t like romney, or threatening to sit the election out. unless you’ve been lying and spreading hot air these last several years when you railed against how obama is destroying this country then you have only one choice and that is to get to the polls in november and cast your vote for romney. if you choose to pick up your marbles and go away in a snit, then we will have YOU to blame for whatever horrors another four years of obama unleashes on this nation.
romney 2012…or else.
If a charmer like you says so, who are we to disobey?
Yes, please make sure you don’t vote for a candidate who supports socialized medicine, TARP, federal minimum wage increases tied to inflation, cap-and-trade, green energy boondoggles, bureaucratic precedence over religious conscience, federal government “stimulus” programs, rising gas prices as a matter of necessity and the individual mandate.
You’re talking about Gingrich, right? Because he was there for most of that list.
No, I’m talking about the Severe Conservative you are commanding us to support.
You must not know very much about him.
The RNC counted the votes. They have run a disgraceful, dishonest campaign.
Protecting their own interests, establishment corruption…
To put lying, liberal, loser Romney forth is just disgusting.
“romney is the candidate because …”
This is false. Romney is not the candidate. He probably will be but he has not won it yet.
You don’t help him get the rest of the delegates he needs with lies or with bullying tactics. I am convinced that the childish thugishness of so many of his supporters is part of why Romney himself is so hated. He’s quite similar to Obama in that.
You’ll help him more by toning it down and letting the process play out.
You guys are too late. April is set up as a Romney month with CT, PA, DE, NY and RI. Those are all states that Mitt will win handily. Much as I like Newt, it’s time to understand who the nominee is and tone down the rhetoric. These are elections and there are winners (and losers).
So if you don’t like Mitt, then go vote for Obama..or don’t vote.
Apparently you neglected to read my previous post re: the 2004 Red Sox in the ALCS.
Take some time to read it now …
It is the fourth game of the ALCS and our team is down 0-3.
It is time to play the game.
It’s not time to “understand who the nominee is.”
The game is not over.
And you’re declaring it so does not make it so.
You do know that there are primaries in May. And in June.
April is the seventh inning.
You’re demanding that we give up our last 2 innings.
Not gonna’ do it.
Wouldn’t be prudent.
And the “you guys” in your comment gives the game away.
This is how Mitt supporters address conservatives.
You guys.
And with that approach, we’re supposed to turn around and support “your guy?”
Stupid cliches and ridiculous analogies aside, this is the bottom of the ninth. The game has been over for months.
I second Philly. Vote, or don’t. Honestly, no one cares what you do. Whine all you want too. This is not about you and the rest of the party will move on with or without “you guys.”
Thanks for your sanity. Are people inhaling helium, or what in these Gingrich comments! Being principled is commendable. But, this kind of rationalization is almost deranged.
I actually admire their tenacity and commend them for standing on principle but there is a point where it gets to be ridiculous. We are there.
It may move on into well deserved non-existence.
My money is on your increasing irrelevance.
Woodnhead – Anyone who thinks the Republican Party has a ghost of chance of winning without conservative support is delusional.
“And with that approach, we’re supposed to turn around and support “your guy?””
It’s expected of us.
Romney: Conservatives Who Don’t Like Me Now Will Learn To When I’m The Nominee
hrh..if you’ve read my posts, you know I’m a Newt supporter. But here’s the cold hard reality, Newt would have to draw an ace high straight flush and win virtually all the delegates starting today.
He’s in debt, campaigning in odd states and is getting very little press. Mitt simply has to play it safe for the rest of the primary season and he will win. I know you like to believe it can change and you’re welcome to contribute but know that the odds are stacked now in favor of Mitt.
Like I said, there will be a winner for the Republican nomination and it won’t be Santorum or the crazy professor. That leaves a heavy-in-debt Newt vs Mitt..who has 500 delegates more than Newt (and that will widen by the end of the month).
So who are we trying defeat…Mitt or Obama? Odds are better than we will defeat Obama than Mitt.
With that attitude you are supporting Obama.
George Clooney is giving him a fancy dinner party. Why don’t you just go there and say you hate Romney and are supporting Gingrich, all the way. I bet they would let you in free, labeling you an “Obama associate.”
Go for a ride on Etch-a-sketch’s elevator. We are not listening.
Your loser came in 47th out of 50 states where he was governor. He didn’t run for re-election because he was going to lose. And his jobs record as governor was dismal. He is a politician that ran many losing campaigns.
I despise the leftist as much as I despise Obama.
As November approaches, I’m concerned with the art of the possible. Per King Lear:
The point is to defeat Obama. The point is to elect Mitt, not to like him.
Mark Levin dismissed Newt as a viable alternative to Romney in his opening hour. This was very disappointing to hear. What’s with him?
Still pulling wings off flies, I see.
Just what does it matter to you that some choose to still believe? Sounds like you have some real control issues.
OK…ready for your oh so witty putdown.
After the election.
Choose to still believe in WHAT exactly? This race is over. Just because some of us finished the “test” early, read the “book” faster than you did does not mean we won’t wait for the rest of you to catch up. Take your time. We will still be here.
As far as wings, flies, control and issues are concerned, spare us all the inferiority-induced, dime store, comment thread, cracker jack box psychoanalysis Dr. chili. Witty enough for you?
Levin had all but endorsed Santorum…perhaps he will reconsider.
Rush and Hannity have praised Newt: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6vIAXdrMPI&feature=youtu.be
Two economists, Thomas Sowell and Art Laffer have endorsed Newt.
Gov. Rick Perry
Senator Fred Thompson
Robert C. Smith, US Senator, NH
Trent Franks, US Congress, AZ
JC Watts, former US Congressman
Perhaps more endorsements will be forthcoming.
He is able to read the writing on the wall. And, hopefully he is able to see the bigger picture in front of him — defeating Obama. The more battles you fight, the more divisions made in a group, the weaker you become to fight the real opponent.
I heard that and was very disappointed with Mark. But he was never really behind Newt. It was always Santorum.
Hi Cheerful in Marin — I’ve read that Bain Capital bought Clear Channel. I’ve heard Rush say the Clear Channel, owned by Bain, are his “syndication partners.” So they own his contract. What effect, if any does that have? Do they all three work for Clear Channel?
I haven’t listened much to Mark Levin, but I’m familiar his first book and it was brilliant. Levin’s analysis about what’s gone wrong with the Left in Washington and our institutions is excellent and IMO correct. He even did a great interview with Newt. And yet, he seems baffled about Newt.
I’ve listened to Rush. I consider Rush a kind of national treasure — my friend, the Doctor of Democracy.
I heard Rush today: he analyzed the Left and the Left’s depredations on all aspects of our society, and he was right; he described of the genesis of the TEA Party: yes, right again, brilliant again; he described the landslide shellacking the Left took in 2010 and WHY it happened: yes again, brilliant again; and then, and then, and then … crickets.
Rush gets it — up to a point. He analyzed it — up to a point. Then, yet, again, utter silence about Newt. Apparently Rush knows nothing about the solutions Newt has proposed. HOW CAN THAT BE? That makes no sense. Something’s off kilter.
No way that makes any sense. Rush might have some good reason for not supporting Newt, but I’ve never heard what it is. Rush attacking Newt for questions Romney on Bain Capital practices was an early signal that there was something off kilter.
I think it is very, very strange that the talk radio conservatives are silent about Newt’s obvious ability to run a devastating campaign against Obama this fall and for us to win a profound, game-changing victory for freedom and free markets.
Rush, Levin and Laura Ingraham — how is it possible that not one of the three discusses, for example,
Newt’s plan to run a Team Election, what that would mean for getting our agenda passed starting on THE FIRST DAY and how a similar strategy worked so brilliantly in 1994 and again in 1996;
the brilliant strengths of the American Energy Now plan, which helps the economy by allowing us to buy oil here at home, thus creating JOBS, and also allows us to pay off the national debt to China and give the next generation a debt-free country;
the simple and obvious solution to Leftist reshaping of our society from the courts, to call the Leftist Judges to account to the sovereignty of the American People through the Executive and Legislative branches and thus re-balancing the three co-equal branches of government…?
Not one of these three conservative talk show hosts — do they all work for Clear Channel? — ever discusses these simple, profound solutions — or any of the other solutions in writing over at newt.org. Something doesn’t add up.
I don’t know but I think Bain buying Clear Channel may be part of it. I wish I knew more about this.
Rush, Mark Levin and Laura Ingraham are not stupid, far from it. Mark Levin and Rush are probably some kind of geniuses (no offense to Laura Ingraham; I’m not that familiar with her). And yet, they’re stupid about Newt. Something doesn’t add up.
But in any case, whether they have failed us or betrayed us, the only thing great enough to rescue America is the sovereign power of the American People — born free and determined to live free and keep freedom for the next generation.
Thank you for your observations, Hope Change – I was looking for your comments today! Honestly, most of the Romney supporters I know are Romney supporters solely for “practical” reasons, not for the nourishment of the American soul and spirit that Newt offers. Romney “practicality” is just too dreary a prospect for me at this time…
Hi Cheerful in Marin — thanks — I look for your comments, too. I send you greetings! As Americans for Freedom!
So, but I think Romney isn’t practical. Romney is left-leaning. Moreover, Romney will SAY ANYTHING. I never listen to him. I can’t. His energy tells me he will say anything.
The people who say Romney is practical haven’t thought enough yet about the damage the Left has done to our institutions.
I mean, when you have to tear down a big piece of equipment like a bus, for example, because someone’s put sugar in the tank and the engine is fouled, you don’t go to the bus driver.
The bus driver may be enough when the bus is working. But once the sabotage has occurred, you need an ACE. You need someone who reads BLUEPRINTS. Who knows how to take it apart AND PUT IT TOGETHER AGAIN.
Newt understand the Constitution because he has studied it as a scholar and as the Speaker of the House. Newt has seen how the legislative branch works for 20+ years. Newt has worked with the President from his position as Speaker. Newt consulted, because of Dick Cheney, with the Bush administration, trying to get them to implement conservative solutions.
Newt has been involved with studying how teams win and working with, and teaching, the military for 26 years. Newt understands every facet of our government better than any other person in public life today.
Newt understands the meaning and purpose of our Founding documents. Newt understands American Traditions, American Exceptionalism, the sovereignty of the individual and what that means to freedom in America.
New knows the blueprint as well as how the machinery of our government is supposed to function IN PRACTICE. (BTW, it’s MEANT to be cumbersome, unwieldy and slow, according to what I’ve read.)
Romney MIGHT be a bus driver. I’m not even sure of that. I’m not even convinced Romney is a legitimate bus driver, as applied to this scenario.
But I KNOW for sure that Romney doesn’t understand the blueprint and can’t FIX what’s been broken. Romney does NOT UNDERSTAND what’s been done to deform our government. Romney seems to think Obama, for example is a nice guy who’s just in over his heard. COME ON.
With Newt’s leadership, the American People CAN and WILL restore our Constitution and our economy.
End of transmission, Cheerful in Marin. God bless! Take care in beautiful Marin!
Newt bounced a $500 check to Utah for the state’s primary filing fee. He won’t be on the ballot there.
Hopefully most of Rick’s supporters will turn to Newt instead of throwing in the towel and going with National Review’s pick, the pro-choice, pro-minimum wage, pro-gun control, pro-Socialized Medicine, anti-Reagan, “conservative”, Mitt Romney.
“If you don’t support Romney, heart and soul, you must love Obama, and want to re-elect him”
Again, with the absolutes.
“Hey, Romney is better than Obama”
Yea, and everyone that clears 2’1″ in the pole vault gets a gold medal.
tsr and WoodnWorld
Have you voted in the primary? If so, did you cast your vote for the candidate that best represents your values?
Why is it that those of us who have not voted yet are not suppose to do the same? Isn’t that the purpose of the primary?
While I admire your support for your candidate Romney, and yes, he is still ONLY a candidate. I will vote for the candidate of my choice Newt. Once the nominee has been chosen whomever it is, I will support to defeat Obama
Hi Terri — if they weren’t afraid of Newt, they wouldn’t be here.
I support your position on this 100%. And maybe we’ll see miracles for America this year.
I disagree. I don’t think they’re afraid of Newt. I think they’re just angry that we won’t do what our betters tell us to do.
Closet Liberals, every one.
Hi irv — Of course, you may be right. If so, what a colossal waste of time!
But I think Newt is a mortal threat to the GOPE. And I think people sense it. And I think they are afraid of NEwt for that reason.
It’s a shame because if Newt is the nominee, Newt will win this fall. We will win a decisive victory with a clear, WRITTEN agenda for conservative solutions.
We will win a Team campaign. The new House and Senate will commit to repealing the damaging legislation. They will repeal Obamacare, Sarbanes-Oxley and Dodd-Frank, and Newt will sign the legislation the first day, and begin American Energy Now by approving the Keystone Pipeline and other domestic oil-production measures, also on the first day, and so much more.
So everyone’s life will improve dramatically, including those who insist on being relentlessly clueless. It’s too bad they don’t understand that.
I often leave links here to Newt’s speeches, hoping people will avail themselves of the staggering power of the internet to listen to Newt and understand WHAT we can do and HOW we can do it.
Now that Newt has his new Newt2012 site up, things will gradually start to heat up again, and I will offer links again for anyone who’s interested.
Maybe this is about to get fun. Wouldn’t it be AWESOME to elect a bunch of conservatives who PROMISE to enact CONSERVATIVE SOLUTIONS?
Hope’s instincts: Newt can’t win the primary because conservative voters do not either A. like him or B. trust him but he is going to win the general where moderate and liberal voters A. viscerally loathe him and B. trust him even less.
I am concentrating on only the GE at this point. It is chilling to think Obama might win a 2nd term. Romney is up and Gingrich is way down. Therefore, I am all for not wasting any more money on a primary, and focusing what time, energy and money we might have on the frontrunner.
BTW, if Gingrich was close in delegate count to Romney, then it would be a different ballgame, and I could reconcile with those who were wanting to send money to him in order to revive his chances. But, at this moment in time, it is throwing good money after bad…and, no I haven’t voted yet in the primary.
Also, if I was convinced of Newt’s conservatism I would be able to see the last ditch enthusiasm here. However, Gingrich has many u-turns in his conservatism — cap and trade endorsements, close ties with government HC, the godfather of earmarks, no private sector or administrative experience, a lousy personal history….there are so many dings in his resume that he could be called a clunker of a conservative, but not a ‘real’ conservative!
Romney will lose the states he won the primary in to Obama in the general.
Obama was double digits behind any generic Republican in Florida for 2 1/2 years. Since the Bush-wacking thug machine bought Etch-a-sketch the Florida primary Obama is up by 7.
Etch-a-sketch will lose Florida, pathetic!
It doesn’t matter that I will stay home if Etch-a-sketch is the candidate. He can’t beat Obama.
A vote for Etch-a-sketch in the primary is a vote for Obama in the general.
And you have the nerve to call anyone else a fool?
Vote for whomever you choose and/or want in the primary. I would never ask a Republican to do anything otherwise. As long as you vote against Obama in the fall, I really don’t care what you do in the primary or why you do it.
Let’s be candid with one another though, none of these candidates “best represents our values.” Not one of them is, or ever was, conservative archetypes/exemplars. We are choosing the primary candidate we hate the least and we will do the same thing in the general. Sure we may sex up our choice by convincing ourselves (and others) that Candidate “X” is the “best,” but only through severe logical and rhetorical contortions, only by focusing on a certain set of data points while willfully ignoring a whole other set of the same.
No presidential candidate is going to single-handedly fix the mess we are in. But as long as we stay patient, stay the course and play the deeper fight we cannot lose and will not lose the very real gains citizens like yourself have helped us realize.
Do you honestly believe I, or anyone like me, is “afraid” of Newt Gingrich right now? I am here because, well, I am always here, I just choose to come out of the shadows to play picador to your bull (pun intended) because you are so completely over the top and so absolutely embody everything that is delusional about conservative “purists.”
What miracle are you waiting for? The one where all of Rick’s delegates just up and decide to back Newt? No? How about the one where Mitt doesn’t win 1,144 and this goes to the convention? Come back to Earth Hope. Reality needs you.
You are right, we aren’t afraid of Newt. Betters? Hippy please. Spoken like a true liberal/class warrior. I can’t speak for anyone else here but I have been on the front lines of this fight longer than you even knew the fight was on.
“Vote for whomever you choose and/or want in the primary. I would never ask a Republican to do anything otherwise.”
You LIAR! You were all over ME calling me a RINO and accusing me of wanting Obama to win, simply because I still would like to be able to cast a vote in MY state’s primary for someone of MY choosing, not someone that I am being ORDERED by people like YOU to vote for!
And you said those things to me despite the fact that I have clearly stated, in this very thread, that I will fully support whoever the nominee ends up being (and FYI, it is not YET Romney as many states have NOT had a chance to even vote yet and the he has NOT yet been nominated).
You either need to put the drugs down or pick your medications up. I didn’t lay into you for supporting someone other than Mitt, I tore into for being whiny and overly melodramatic about what Romney has done to *you*. For styling yourself as poor little victim of Mitt’s attacks and a credible voice for “conservatives” everywhere. Vote for whomever you want in the primary, I really don’t care. That’s your choice. As long as you vote for the nominee in the fall, and don’t work overtime against him between now and then, I also don’t care what you do between now and then either.
Romney *is* that nominee btw. You may need some time to sort that fact out. I understand. If you need it spelled out for you in big, bold letters, if you really need to wait and see the flashing 1,144 “YOU LOST” lights, that is fine by me. I will wait for you to catch up with reality. It’s only a matter of time between now and when you eat your words. Take your time.
This is truly a sad day for conservatism in America, and a day for the liberal Romney GOP Progressive RINOs to celebrate. It’s like the day when Hitler became Chancellor.
We only care if Romney and his policies are liberal or conservative, and he and his policies are liberal to the Obama-Ted Kennedy core ! That’s the issue and question that conservatives need to ask themselves.
Ask Romney or yourself, as a conservative, how does one defend a Ted Kennedy collaborated forced mandated substandard inferior State Socialized Medicine entitlement program law that bankrupts the residents, citizens, and Independent businesses and companies in the Free Market Capitalist Free Enterprise system of a State, let alone the Nation, but then turns around and argues that he must repeal Obamacare, the very same thing he implemented and refuses to refute and repeal in his on State called Romneycare.
How easily the people are fooled. Like when he said he was pro-choice when it was politically convenient, and now he says he’s pro-life when it is politically convenient, and when he said he would repeal Obamacare, but supports Romneycare, the exact same identical forced mandated inferior substandard State Socialized Medicine govt takeover program, and they actually believe him.. lol
This is exactly why Obama is President in the first place. And they want to replace one radical progressive liberal, with a moderate progressive liberal.. well, that makes sense.. No it doesn’t..
Romney for all intents and purposes, should be Obama’s running mate, as they have the exact same agenda, policies, and programs as each other.
What will they debate, how much each of them loves inferior substandard force mandated State Socialized Medicine programs like Obamacare and Romneycare.. How they both love Global warming cap and trade policies and programs.. How they both love crony capitalism to prop up govt, and stifle the Free Market economy.. How much they both love social welfare programs.. How much they both love to spend and borrow and tax.. How much they both support abortion rights, and how much they both lie about everything they say and do, and use blame game excuses for political plausible deniability, etc, etc, etc..
The Truth speaks for itself, and all the Romney GOP Progressive Republican RINO propaganda in the world cannot hide it, let alone makes taste any better.
This is the problem we also now face, when the electorate in the mass populace are apathetic to the real issue at hand concerning the politician either being Reagan conservative, or a GOP progressive Republican liberal from Mass.. Thus this is now about the people’s ability to discern the differences, problems, and issues at hand, facing what we are now faced with, and then adequately make the right decisions at the ballot box.
But if the mass populace is determined to go into a state of constant delusional denial, and keep running into the same brick wall of stupidity, apathy, and indifference, then just like their choosing of Obama in 2008, a radical progressive liberal, they now choose instead a moderate progressive liberal, aka GOP Republican establishment RINO elitist.. That’s their choice, and in so doing, will continue the same old liberal dead end brick wall policies of the past.. ie; meet the new boss, same
TeaPartyPatriot4Ever — I think that most people are still going about their daily lives, more or less oblivious to the fact that the election is now. Most people think the election is in November.
I believe that is why the chant of the GOPE Romney supporters is that we should give up. They want to have a fait accompli BEFORE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE START TO PAY ATTENTION.
It’s possible that when the American People understand what a dramatic choice we are making this summer and in August, they will think about it and decide they’d rather have $2.50 gas and a strong America.
That’s why Newt’s promise to stay in until Tampa is so important. That’s why the GOPE want to get him out now when the game is only about half over. They don’t want the American People to have the chance choose. Because the American People will likely choose conservative solutions.
The solutions on newt.org are conservative solutions. Plus, they are practical solutions that lead to a better economy with more power back home and less power in Washington. This really, truly is not over.
Oh it’s over alright. It was over at least a month ago. Newt lost. He knows it.
Much like yourself, he is too proud, too vain, and to conceited to concede when he has actually had his ass handed to him on a platter. And to think pride, vanity and conceit were things we thought Newt would place above the party and the nation if he won…
You are spitting out talking points and not in-depth facts.
When Romney became governor he had few options about about how to address HC in MA. The state was reeling under the liberal policies already adopted there. The government was threatening to withhold some $385 million in medicaid monies,if a plan could not be devised getting more people insured. The 85% democratic legislature already had very liberal ideas in the mill how they wanted to construct a HC plan. Some liberal clergy had enough signatures collected to place a ballot initiative up in the next election that would have been terrible for the HC in that state. Romney was between a rock and hard place. So, he collaborated with an array of people and developed a compromise HC policy, 8 parts of it that were eventually vetoed by the legislature, that was eventually passed.
Today that state is still very pro their HC plan, with 2/3 of adults approving of it and over 85% of physicians saying HC was either the same or better since Romney’s bill was passed. So, for that denim blue state it worked. And, that is the job of a governor is to be a proponent for their state. Also, Romney’s bill was 70 pages long. Obama’s was over 2700 pages. Now do you think there was 2630 pages of differences in the two bills?
Romney is not a RINO. But, he is also not an ideologue, like many of you would like him to be. He is a thoughtful man, married to the same woman for 43 years, has 5 sons, 16 grandchildren, has been a religious leader, a prosperous business man, has had the same election team working for him since his 2008 because his leadership inspires loyalty (unlike many of the other candidates who have had revolving doors for their staff members). He has an extensive list of endorsements representing the entire republican spectrum, from very conservative to moderate and liberal, such as John Bolton, Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Branstad, Kelly Ayotte, Christie, Tom Coburn, Daryl Issa. For a more complete list go to this link, updated April 5th. These are not all elite establishment republicans, either. They are a mixture. They are also the majority. Compare them with Newt’s endorsements, most of which are from Georgia.
Here we go again with the “Romneycare was Mitt’s way of avaoiding somehting much worse” meme. That might work – except that Romney himself touted Romneycare as a signature achievement that is a model for every other state.
Romney supports socialized medicine, TARP, federal minimum wage increases tied to inflation, cap-and-trade, green energy boondoggles, bureaucratic precedence over religious conscience, federal government “stimulus” programs, rising gas prices as a matter of necessity and the individual mandate.
He described himself as a progressive and distanced himself from Ronald Reagan.
You may be right – he is not a RINO, but only because there are many Republicans who take many or all of these positions.
But he is certainly no conservative, much less a severe one.
All lies and propaganda. Not a single word of truth.
Because you say so.
As the founder of the Mohawk Valley Patriots in Central NY, I find it impossible to believe that Tea Party members would vote for Romney. We have struggled for over three years to bring Conservatives into positions of power within the party, how can we now simply hand it over to someone whose true inner core is unknowable. Romney is running on the economy, but Obama is telling the millions of mind numbed robots out there that it’s getting better. If they believe him and there is no reason to believe they won’t, where does that leave Romney. “I know the economy is getting better but I can make it even better than that.” Yeah, that will win votes. What else is he running on?
I believe too many in the Tea Party have fallen for the Rhino’s mating call of “He’s the only one that can beat Obama.” But who says? Who has the crystal ball that says if we choose Romney he can win? We have no idea who will win. What we do have however is his record for running other races and they aren’t very good. What is it, one win out of six? Now that sounds like a sure winner to me. And can you really see Romney asking Obama in a debate if he’s still a Marxist? Or does he still feel that the Constitution should be destroyed or rewritten. I can’t, even in my dreams, and they’re pretty weird sometimes.
If the Tea Party votes for Romney, then we might as well disband the whole thing and look for some other country to move to. If I’m going to go down, I’m going to go down fighting for someone I believe is a Conservative from the heart and that my friends at this moment in time is Newt Gingrich.
If you look at the exit polls in recent primaries you might observe that tea party people are voting for Romney. In fact he is getting the majority of their support. So, even though he might not get your’s, others are more committed to removing Obama than apparently you are.
There has to be a point to any end game. Mine is to defeat Obama. Romeny appears to be the one getting all the nods to do that. Gingrich is simply a want-to-be, and many of you are part of his fan club, not the fan club of the USA.
They do not reflect TEA party values. They neither speak for the TEA party nor are spoken for by the same. In short: they are extremists, zealots, ignorants and individual ideologues hiding behind the TEA party banner.
As time goes on, and this race becomes increasingly about Obama rather than their petty, pedestrian grievances against Romney, their voices will be pushed to the periphery. If/when we win in November, none of them will have a platform to pour their poisons from.
This excerpt perfectly describes Newt Gingrich’s personal audacity, after Santorum bowed out of the race today:
A HA commentary from Allahpundit
You should take your Ah He-Ha Hotair commentary and go bang the forums in support of Romney over at Huffblo or Daily Kos.
And you’re wrong about Breitbart, he was dedicated to giving a larger voice to conservatives, especially those not represented fairly in the mainstream media.
You’re unlikely to change anyone’s mind here, which leads me to believe you just like the sound of your own posts and have a sophomoric need to harass conservatives.
Its kinda creepy that you rail against Obama totalitarianism while ramming your Rhinoism beliefs down peoples throats.
Don’t kid yourself. You are not a conservative. You are a pretender. You are a Republican only when it suits your purposes. You are, by definition, a RINO.
tsr, you don’t understand what Newt is proposing that appeals to those of us who support Newt.
All your arguments are based on the proposition that you think Romney can win and you think Romney would be acceptable.
Your arguments are not persuasive. To me, you are like a person who thinks cubic zirconia is the same as a a diamond.
I’ve seen the real diamond. I’ve studied the real thing. Telling me to vote for cubic zirconia is meaningless to me and seems like the height of folly.
BECAUSE 1. my instinct says Romney will lose. Just like:
a. Dole
b. McCain
c. G. H.W. Bush 1992
d. Gerald Ford 1976
Romney’s campaign is already preparing the narrative for how it wasn’t their fault, but the fault of Romney’s primary opponents and the conservatives who don’t support Romney.
2. If Romney were to win, WHAT WOULD WE GET? Romney is not equipped by understanding or inclination to restore our Constitutional government.
We need to restore the workings of our Constitution, which have been torn, tattered and distorted by Obama and his czars (started by other presidents, I know, I know, and I didn’t like it one bit). Also by the unconstitutional way they “pass” legislation. Also the corrupt trading of favors. Also the constant efforts to raise taxes. Also the outrageous overreaching of agencies such as the EPA. Also the Leftward legislating from the bench of the courts. Et Cetera.
Romney doesn’t understand that at all. He doesn’t even seem to see it. CLUE. LESS.
BUT, if Newt is the nominee, Newt will win in the fall. Certo, as NewtCerto says. And Newt understands everything we need to do, and has PRACTICAL solutions for how WE, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, can return to a thriving economy and a strong, limited federal government that SPENDS WITHIN ITS MEANS and performs its true essential tasks WELL and EFFECTIVELY.
So once Newt and the Legislative House and Senate Team win, we’ll start the arduous and yet thrilling task of restoring our federal government to its Constitutional boundaries, returning power to the people and the states under the 10th Amendment, having American Energy Now and prosperity again, with lots of opportunity for our new grads and everyone else, et cetera.
tsr, with all due respect, if you knew specifically what Newt is proposing and you disagreed with it, you would presumably have a cogent argument against some specific proposal. But you don’t.
Look. I’m sorry. I don’t like to contend with anyone. As Americans, we all want good things for our country. My preference would be to support you in your dreams and your heart’s desire.
But on this, I’ve seen the real thing. I want the diamond. There’s no comparison. Newt’s the real thing.
Yes Hope, we all need to listen to your “instincts,” to your hopeless rants and shameless shilling for Newt. Because they have been so spot on in the last few months…
If Newt is the real thing, then why did he bounce a $500 check to Utah for the state’s primary filing fee? His great sense is going to leave him off the ballot.
Your comment is further proof of the intellectual laziness and ignorance of voters in this country. A simple google search shows that this check was written before and cashed after the campaign switched bank accounts-nothing more.
He’s off the ballot unless he sends another check by April 20th. Funny how the other candidates didn’t have the same issue.
Even Alla admits that he is a RINO. You are a fool!
I don’t believe I said I wouldn’t vote for Romney, I merely said that while I still have a choice I will vote my conscience. I thought that was what made this country great. So Romney has been married 43 years. I’ve been married 46 with adopted children. My husband served for 24 years in the military. We had to move 36 times in 24 years. We put our kids through college and paid as we went so we had no debt at the end. We go to church every week, give to charity, and fly the flag. None of that qualifies me to be president. As for endorsements, he had a bag full last time but McCain still won. Endorsements don’t insure a win. He might be getting a large number of tea party votes, but he still hasn’t sealed the deal. If he does I’ll vote for him because the alternative would be the end of America. Will I be enthusiastic, probably not. I know Newt has faults, I’ve been following his career ever since he was a lowly congressman, and many things he did, I wasn’t happy about. But he did them, and I’m not about to find excuses for him. With Romney, it seems excuses are made all the time for why he gave money out of his own pocket to Planned Parenthood, why he did the health care bill, why he did this or that. Just say he did them and let it go at that. If people don’t like it, so be it. But to hear some Romney backers, he’s up their just below sainthood. Personally, it all comes down to who you believe is telling you what they really are. For me, thats Newt. And when I vote next week, it will go in his column and I’ll be happy to do so.
Pretend I just clicked ‘Like’ a zillion times
Newt’s been my choice since October and that is who I am voting for in Indiana on May 8th. Oh and Romney supporters, it doesn’t help your candidate to act like him by insulting others.
This is the most important election of our lifetimes. It certainly has been the most interesting GOP primary I can recall.
My hope is that we leave a country better than we found it for our children. And I see one candidate who understands that, knows how to do that and has the facts to back up his arguments.
A republic is sometimes messy. That doesn’t mean we should just give up and walk away. The story of George Washington’s crossing the Delaware with 3000 troops on foot, many shoeless, continues to inspire me. If they had given up, the U.S. would not be here today. And yes, I am convinced Divine Providence had a hand. How else could a warm, well-fed and well-clothed professional army been so soundly defeated by a bunch of rag-tag farmers and frontiersmen?
This video shows me what the campaign this fall could be like
I encourage everyone to vote their conscience. And it’s exciting that every state may just have a say in this primary. How inspiring is that to the younger generation?
And I am cheerfully ignoring the spin and negativity.
Jodie, so, by your logic Newt is not being served by all of the people here who feel (and have felt) the need to (incessantly) insult the handful of Romney supporters who are crazy/brave/stupid enough to speak out here? Roger THAT.
And you wonder why we don’t kiss your ass. Notice, we never ask you to kiss ours either. You think we need you. You think you speak for a majority of other “real” conservatives. We don’t. You don’t.
WoodnWorld, Governor Romney and his supporters have made it abundantly clear that he didn’t want or need the conservative voters.
We’re just trying to send a clear message that we don’t want him as well.
Romney and the RNC has run a disgusting, despicable campaign lined with Wall Street money who don’t want change to happen. That dirty money has also supported Obama as well.
Sorry, but we conservatives do want change and it will happen if we have to work day and night for it.
Welcome to primary politics Scorpio. This is exactly how it is, how it was, and how it always has been. Candidates slam each other, their respective supporters cry foul, decry the methods and rail against perceived fratricidal efforts.
The major differences between now and primaries past (and there are some) are significant enough to comment on though: In previous years, losing candidates had the good decency and common sense to bow out when they realized their efforts were futile, when they realized their continued (fruitless) endeavors would do more harm to the party (and, correspondingly, our general election prospects) than good. Newt hasn’t had a chance since Florida, at least, but his vanity and ego prevents him from admitting he got his ass whipped by a man he personally detests (mostly because that man whipped his ass).
Also, in years past the losing candidate’s (justifiably) disappointed supporters had the decency to know their real enemies from imagined ones and the common sense not to pick up liberal talking points to eat their own with.
We have some new breeds in the conservative ranks though. Quite a few of you here (not all) are either:
1. Absolute idiots, a combination of nature and genetics at their cruelest (forgivable)
2. Completely new to the political process (also forgivable as long as they can see and/or admit that they have “unknown unknowns”)
3.Bigoted, angry evangelical assholes who mask their well-documented and archived anti-Mormon tendencies with new found, YouTube “educations” and cherry-picked policy “concerns” (thankfully, not all Christians conduct themselves in this manner)
4. Shameless and completely disassociated hypocrites who whine about narrow-minded negative tactics yet use them on a daily basis and welcome their use when they are employed by the “right” sort
5. Arrogant and entitled “purists” who believe they are the second coming to Conservatism and think they sit in judgment on other conservative’s credentials
6. Born again conservatives who think just because they recently woke up to the reality the rest of us have been facing and fighting for decades now and have hopped on the conservative bandwagon in the last couple years that they hold the proverbial keys to the kingdom and are going to hold the rest of us hostage to their increasingly shrill and selfish demands
7. Closet class warriors/redistributionists with massive inferiority complexes for people who have may or may not higher educations and/or may or may not make more money than they do
Scorpio, you do not speak for conservatives. You can barely speak for yourself. If I were Romney, I would not kiss your ass either. Given the manner most of you have conducted yourselves recently (read: without any sense of class or tact), and the same childish, bratty manner you continue to conduct yourself in, I would not want to associate myself with you either. You don’t want him? Fine. He doesn’t need you.
No one is going to come begging for your vote. For every angry Anybody But Romney voter out there, there are three independents and moderates sitting in the middle watching him not cater to your selfish demands. If Romney moves to the middle, it’s because you clowns drove him there by swearing from day one that you would never listen to or work with him. When the day comes where we either lose to your intransigence or win in spite of your stubborn heel-dragging, you can bet your bottom no one worth anything on the right is going to listen to a word you have to say.
You couldn’t do more to undermine potential support for Romney if you tried.
And no conservative would write a comment like yours.
Smoke, you really don’t get it. You, specifically, fall into (at least) one of those seven categories up there. I don’t care whether you support the nominee or not. No one is going to coddle you, woo you or kiss your ass to win your vote. In my opinion, you have rendered your own opinions irrelevant many times over. I am just happy to expose you while I can.
If you stay home, it will make not one whit of difference to me. If you stay pissed off and angry at Romney and continue to vent the way you have, you will only alienate yourself (and others like you) and serve as a prime example for everyone else whose main priority is beating Obama.
Either way, silent or not, you serve the cause neatly.
You are clearly a MOBY, most likely dispatched from OfA.
A person who votes for their choice in a Republican primary for their state but plans to support whoever the final nominee will be is NOT a RINO or supporting Obama. You are dishonest and you are insulting and it appears that your intent is discredit Romney through your hostile behavior on his behalf.
Or, I just don’t subscribe to the delicate, “kiss their ass” oh-so-sensitve style of politics you so desperately seem to crave. Maybe it’s that I am tired of watching fools and neophytes clap themselves on the back and call each other such fierce little patriots when they attack their own while facing much more serious threats from the Left. It might be that I am tired of watching clowns like you attack people on the right and then whine when they have the nerve to attack you back. You dish it out but you sure as hell can’t take it.
Perhaps it’s because I see how often people just like you pick up little, liberal talking points from the very same sources you are alluding to here and use them to make “conservative” arguments. Or how many times I cringe when I see one of you try to use your words and “history” to make a connection or a point about something that has absolutely no bearing on what you are trying to say.
More likely than not though, it’s probably just that you need to get the sand out of your panties, grow some thicker skin and quit bitching about all of the things Mitt Romney, RINOs, the “elites” and your “betters” have done to you. Zilla, if you want to be a little political pansy that’s fine. Could you please at least have the decency to direct it at the Democrats though? They understand your brand of weak sauce far better than the warriors and carnivores over here do.
Well, the nice thing about living in California, besides the weather, is that I won’t have to vote for Mitt Romney.
The only good thing about Mitt Romney is that I won’t feel compelled to donate to his campaign. He has all the money he needs on his own or with help from his buddies on Wall Street who got him this far.
I Do have friends who wanted to vote for Newt but voted for Rick as the Anti-Mitt.
Today I caught this from Right Scoop:
I’ll keep on hoping for Newt – our Primary and DELEGATE SELECTION was a week or so ago.
The Audio for the at the time depressing news that Palin was Not going to run is available as an MP3 download.
Back in October when I went over that in great detail her intended focus is to get as many conservatives as possible into Congress, both in the Senate and in the House.
That was my intent through most of 2011 in addition to my support;
Newt was and is my second preferred candidate.
My ability to choose the more conservative of two congressional candidates has now passed.
What hasn’t passed is voting in any coming primaries:
Romney won in Michigan as well probably as Maryland primarily by voter suppression,
AND when the “Eyeores” tell us we have to “Support Romney Or Else!” I’m…..Oh, Nevermind.