Hope in Wisconsin

A PPP poll for Daily Kos shows Gov. Scott Walker in a good position:

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker leads all of his Democratic challengers in the Wisconsin recall election, per a new Public Policy Polling poll out this afternoon.Walker, the incumbent governor, has a 5-point lead against Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, 50 percent to 45 percent, and a 7-point lead — 50 percent to 43 percent — against Kathleen Falk. Walker has more than 10-point leads over Doug La Follette and Kathleen Vinehout.Both Democrats have seen their support slide since the last time PPP polled there, which pollster Tom Jensen attributes to the shift in independents back toward Walker…

More good news, the collective bargaining bill is lowering property taxes:

On Monday Mr. Walker’s office released new data that show the property tax bill for the median home fell by 0.4% in 2011, as reported by Wisconsin’s municipalities. Property taxes, which are the state’s largest revenue source and mainly fund K-12 schools, have risen every year since 1998—by 43% overall. The state budget office estimates that the typical homeowner’s bill would be some $700 higher without Mr. Walker’s collective-bargaining overhaul and budget cuts.

(added) But of course, you already knew about the property tax drop from my December post, The photo that could defeat the Wisconsin recall.

One possible shoe to drop is the so-called “John Doe” investigation, and whether the Democratic D.A. will bring charges against former Walker staffers which could embarrass Walker.  Forty-three employees in that office signed the recall petition, so you know where their political sympathies lie.

For now, I’ll take any good news.

Update:  Reader Patricia produced this graphic for the Fox Valley, WI, Tea Party group:

Tags: Wisconsin