Affidavit of Probable Cause destroys claim Zimmerman used racial epithet

One of hotest topics of argument has been whether George Zimmerman said “f-ing coons” under his breath on the 911 tape.  The left-blogosphere has used the alleged racial epithet endlessly to paint this as a racially motivated hate crime.

CNN used three different audio experts to analyze the tape, but one of whom found “f-ing coons,” another “f-ing cold,” and another “f-ing punks.”

In the Affidavit of Probable Cause, which just was made available, State of Florida investigators swore under oath that that Zimmerman used the term “f-ing punks”:

For the investigators to make such a factual assertion under oath in such an important document certainly means the prosecution has conducted its own analysis and has concluded that the term “coons” was not used.

There is nothing else in the affidavit to indicate racial motivation, although there is a cryptic reference that Martin “was profiled by Zimmerman,” although what type of profiling is not specified.

Zimmerman Affidavit of Probable Cause (1)

Tags: Trayvon Martin