Notice how the Obama captured when he doesn’t think he is being recorded is so differenct from campaign Obama. The “bitter clinger” remarks and the Netanyahu put-down are the most memorable.
And there are the hot mic sound bites which the media won’t release, like CBS refusing to release the full audio of Obama’s comments about Paul Ryan, and the LA Times holding back the Khalidi tape.
The most recent hot mic is in many ways the most important, because it demonstrates once again that unrestrained by the need for reelection, Obama is going to go to town.
Via Jake Tapper, President Obama Asks Medvedev for ‘Space’ on Missile Defense — ‘After My Election I Have More Flexibility’:
At the tail end of his 90 minute meeting with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev Monday, President Obama said that he would have “more flexibility” to deal with controversial issues such as missile defense, but incoming Russian President Vladimir Putin needs to give him “space.”
The exchange was picked up by microphones as reporters were let into the room for remarks by the two leaders.
The exchange:
President Obama: On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space.
President Medvedev: Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…
President Obama: This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.
President Medvedev: I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.
(video added, via Free Beacon)
No biggie, right? Scott Johnson has a plan:
The man has big plans for us — the kind of plans he won’t be sharing with the American people. Not yet.
Something tells me this next election is a big one. Let’s kill Obama’s “space” program.
Update: I think I along with others have missed the bigger question:
Why does Obama feel the President of Russia is entitled to know more about Obama’s plans than the American public?

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Given the divisiveness and class- and race-warfare this guy is willing to indulge in while in campaign mode…
what would he shrink to do if not facing the vote of the people in a second term.
Not sure what you mean by “shrink” – do you mean NOT shrink from doing?
I can imagine – and that is why I’m both FUMING and sick to my stomach with fright.
I put NOTHING past this man and his Chicago-gangster “community organizing” ways. Nothing.
That March 16th EO is looking even more ominous, given this.
After my election
It’s Obama’s world, we just vote in it.
For show.
I’m telling you, he doesn’t act like a man that is worried about getting re-elected.
But his narcissism would not provide for that…especially any outward show of worry.
Just because one is a narcissist doesn’t mean they don’t have a backup plan for success; in case they can’t make it on their good looks and hollow promises alone.
Indeed, the NPD needs success so badly that they feel perfectly justified in doing whatever it takes to obtain it.
I just saw this on, and posted this comment:
This seems to be a PERFECT issue for Newt’s PAC to utilize – and maximize – to the fullest!
He seems so certain that he will win this next election…….why?! I would be watching those DemocRATS more now then ever!
When dealing with other countries, a president has to sound confident he’ll win his reelection, regardless of his or her actual sense of his chances.
It scares me to think Obama may be seeking to kill two birds with one stone here – shrinking the world nuke arsenal, a stated Obama goal, by diminishing US missile defenses facing Russia, and using that to secure a reduction in Russian support for Syria, Iran, et al.
Watching Obama try his hand at international diplomacy is like watching a three year old play with a chainsaw. You know it cannot end well.
Don’t forget…one of his earliest acts was to surrender our advantage in space defenses by diktat.
Maybe a lot of Americans didn’t even notice that, but it was REALLLLLLY significant.
Awww, how sweet. I need “space”. Brings a tear to the eye, but I agree. Howz’ about Pluto?
“I need space.”
That’s what he tells the WH pool when he ducks out for 45 minutes to places unknown.
That’s what he tells Michelle when he sends her off on another vacation.
It’s what he never says to Valerie Jarrett.
Better yet – Let Obama, the Liberals and Islamites have the entire Moon Colony to themselves.
“Why does Obama feel the President of Russia is entitled to know more about Obama’s plans than the American public?”
Because he respects him more?
[…] whole concept of a “hot mic.”Update: ABC News has more, and here’s the video, via Legal Insurrection.google_ad_client = "ca-pub-1395656889568144"; /* 300×250, created 8/11/08 */ google_ad_slot = […]
Obama has learned that our enemies really like HIM when he sells out the US. Russia would treat him as a great man if he would stop our missile defense, and unilaterally destroy our (aging) nuclear weapons.
The money will pour in from our enemies for the Obama campaign.
“I Need Space!!!”
I have posted here before that Obama has in full view taken steps that we all know are inflicting huge damage on our country, and he has done that knowing full well that he must stand again for reelection. It is foolish for anyone to think that a second Obama term would be anything other than exponentially worse than his first. Now we have proof of that straight from Obama’s mouth: He is playing a waiting game on us. The America we once knew and loved is one election away from being destroyed.
This point should be driven home in every Republican speech. Will the Republican nominee be willing to make this case?
Thank you for putting my thoughts into words. I was worried before the 2008 election about the socialist changes he would make (Obamacare to name one,) but now I am actually scared.
If this man wins the election say goodbye to the America we know and love. We will all be Communists.
I am so angry at the ones who could make a HUGE difference but choose not to ie… Rush, Levin, Beck, Hannity, O’Reilly, The Media, etc… Santorum??? Romney??? Really????
Beck said just now, Newt might be the Anti-Christ???
Professor, thank you so much for all that you do!!!
Now further proof that Beck needs to be taken down.
His comments about Newt are seriously libelous.
Not libelous…but certainly nuts. I had to let Beck go…
Beck has done some great things, but he’s a crackpot.
“We will all be Communists.”
Naw. A lot of us will just leave. We MAY take our states with us.
Why are you blaming others? Beam…mote…etc.
I am not blaming them. It’s just curious that the people who have a HUGE voice, who seem to get their talking points from Newt; just like Rush going on for an hour about energy sounding just like Newt and Levin talking about the Judges which again is just like Newt. It boggles my mind how they disregard Newt… because why?? Who is delineating a rationale against Newt, who has actually done things that they claim need to be done? Like defeating Hillarycare, Balancing the Budget,etc.. but no, he is crazy because he wants a privately funded moon project? It must be a business decision, that is the only thing I can come up with.
Regarding the Beam and Mote comment… maybe we should all just be quiet and be good little subjects. It is MY opinion, not judgement.
It appears that I am not the only one with the frustration of the media…
In Conservative Radio We Cannot Trust
Do you have a link to Beck’s Alinsky hit, um, accusation?
Did he list any reasons and Biblical references for his brilliant and erudite (sarc) conclusions?
Hi Uncle Samuel,
The free radio program today (My husband listens sometimes)We cancelled our GBTV because of his Newt rants. I think it was during the last hour… (right before I posted) a caller called in and asked why Glenn and crew were biased in the election and he started…. He said there was only one candidate he would not support, then changed it to maybe 2. One being Newt and the other Ron Paul only because of his foreign policy though (shaking head), he then went on to say that Newt might be the Antichrist. I guess he will be voting for Obama if Newt is the nominee. I used to really like Glenn. If you go now to the link and listen, I think it will be coming up fairly soon.
BECK has a bias against Newt – but calling him the anti-Christ is over the top.
Beck has practiced a methodological stealth campaign for Romney and against whomever rises to the top against Romney.
This is summarized here:
MORE on the Beck-Romney-Mormon alliance, from a commenter at the link I posted: “Hmm. Glenn Beck went into debt to establish GBTV. Then, suddenly, a few months ago, he was rolling in cash when he moved to Texas, bought a huge studio complex, and furnished it with antiques and the best equipment money could buy. He had a video tour of his new digs… plenty of space for Mormon media center and movie productions. Do you smell Romneybucks?”
Yes, Romneybucks have certainly been spread wide, deep and high in this election.
One last thing on Beck.
Just thought you all should know Beck got Breitbarted for using Alinsky tactics on Sarah Palin of all people: (NOTE – Beck’s writer uses typical Liberal Left Language – LLL that is characteristic of Obama, Romney and Paul operatives) –
I agree Uncle Samuel.
“Pleasing your enemies does not make them your friends”. The thing that might bother you just a bit, is that he he clearly sees the Russians as being more of his allies (or comrades-in-arms) than he does the American people. Your friends are the people you tell secrets to, your enemies are the people you keep secrets from.
“…your enemies are the people you keep secrets from.”
How apropos just at tax season.
Further, Israel knows this and knows that it needs to attack Iran’s nuclear capability before the November election. Israel knows that if Obama is reelected Israel will not receive any support from the US. In fact, if Obama is reelected, Israel likely will face open hostility from the US.
“Perhaps it might be better, Mr. President, if you were more concerned with the American People than with your image in the history books. ~ General “Buck” Turgidson
That George C. Scott line from Stanley Kubrick’s 1964 film “Dr. Strangelove” seems almost prescient now.
Muggeridge’s Law states that there is no way for any satirist to improve upon real life for its pure absurdity.
[…] yourself this question Why does Obama feel the President of Russia is entitled to know more about Obama’s plans than the […]
“After my election I have more flexibility.”
Hopefully as a private citizen.
ha … yeah, considering it’s Obama, perhaps he was just setting up a golf date with his buddy Putin. He doesn’t need to negotiate with Russia about our missile defense, Obama wants to downgrade unilaterally.
Midwest Rhino,
Does Putin play golf in between shooting tigers?
I hope when Obama becomes an ex-president he’s not like Jimmy Carter, the man who never goes away.
Have you ever been to Plains, Georgia? I have. There is absolutely nothing there. All the free Billy Beer in the world couldn’t get me to visit there again. No wonder he won’t go away.
Hopefully life in Chicago will keep ex-President Obama occupied.
Somehow I don’t think Obama will go away ever. He will be in his glory, making fatuous speeches for big bucks, scheduled around golf outings with famous liberals.
Yeah .. Putin may be too macho to golf. Though if he did, he’d surely get more holes in one than the NK prez did, would have a half naked female caddy, drink vodka from the bottle along the way, and uncover hidden treasure in a sand trap. 🙂
Haha! Excellent! 🙂
President Obama: This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.
And this comment surely should freak everyone out.
This may be his last election, but who among us thinks he will ever leave office should he win in November. I think this will be the last election we ever have. The last “free” election anyway.
Yes, I believe there will be no elections after this one, and maybe we won’t even have one in November because of a “generated” crisis.
Would this word fit in this case?
As I stated last week Obama is facilitating the cultivation of Warsaw Pact 2
Putin praises strength of ‘Warsaw Pact 2’
Obama has already conceded to Russia’s demands to pull Missile Defense out of the Czech Republic, if Obama’s “flexibility” bends to their will in the future on ANY single point, the entire ability to prevail against future common security challenges of our European allies directly threatens our national security.
Wikileaks seem able to find and publish our deepest darkest military and political secrets yet nobody is able to ‘leak’ these hot-mic moments? Makes you almost believe that the information is so damning that they simply cannot risk it getting to the general public. Almost. Of course, our President wouldn’t be that un-American would he?
[…] President Hot Mic can’t wait for a second term (Update: The bigger question): “Notice how the Obama captured when he doesn’t think he is being recorded is so differenct […]
The Russians know he is going complete our destruction, full speed ahead. I guess the Arabs know, too.
BTW, how come he lazy Arabs are allowed to come to this country at will but the very hard working Chinese are not? What’s that about?
It sounds like treason to me.
[…] Good question: Why does Obama feel the President of Russia is entitled to know more about Obama’s plans than […]
Remember those very old RCA Victrola ads! Maybe that’s what Obama was suggesting, he’s waiting for Putin to speak!
One part of me thinks one part of Obama doesn’t want four more years. He is doing every outrageous thing possible to not get reelected. He is in way over his head, usually one of the dumbest guys in the room. Long hours of hard work, under pressure … he can’t handle it, never could. His eyes glaze over when his handlers get “in the weeds”, he makes flippant remarks, then reverts back to the old faithful race card and sixties rhetoric in public.
We feel your pain Mr. Obama, and are here to help you out … of office.
This is getting smoothed over, with the advice that “BFD. All presidents get more radical in their second term.”
I’ll try to trace back the source, but my too-young-to-vote source is in school right now. I know for a fact he didn’t think this up all by himself.
Given that Mr. Zimmerman is a “white Hispanic”, I feel I should refer to Mr. Obama as a “white Black”. I have permission, after all…
[…] More here. The implications are nothing short of stunning. And perhaps we need to ask a bigger question. […] ————————————————————————————————————————– Now THAT was a gutsy call. Good to see.
[…] Would Be My Guess Posted on March 26, 2012 9:30 am by Bill Quick » President Hot Mic can’t wait for a second term (Update: The bigger question) – Le·gal In… Update: I think I along with others have missed the bigger question: Why does Obama feel the […]
[…] Jacobson is right: this moment of unintended transparency shows Obama will feel free to do whatever he wants if reelected. Remember, this is the man who wished he could “work his way around […]
Another commentary by o-bow-mao to sell out the Nation! What does it take for people to realize that he has one goal-the destruction of the U. S. A. !!!!!!!!!!
“I think [Obama] is great.” — Matt Romney
“I think [Obama] is great.” — Matt Romney
[…] The Russians are not going to give Barack Obama something for nothing. They’ll give Obama his personal political “space” if Barack Obama gives the Russian Federation all the space out there. A second term for Barack Obama would mean treachery unleashed. […]
I’d love to overhear a hot mic between Putin, Ahmadinajad, and that little freak in North Korea as they discuss dealing with US President Barack Obama:
“Can you believe this guy? I demanded he abandon missile defenses in Poland and the Czech Republic – and he just did it! I didn’t have to give up a damn thing! Bwaaahahahaha.”
[Commenters encouraged to add their own entries below]
[…] […]
Here’s Obama in Chicago April 14, 2011. As if what he says ON MIC regarding Obamacare is not bad enough – listen to his abject hypocrisy about Paul Ryan caught OFF MIC. He criticizes Paul Ryan for “voting twice for two unfunded wars”…..while he as the President of the USA perpetuated BOTH of them for three plus years. This man has never EVER been Presidential material.
Scorpio 51 – I know several people I respect who actually believe that even if Obama loses, he will just not leave.
This is beyond my own ability to comprehend American politics but they tell me I need to pay closer attention. It kind of scares me, to be truthful.
Oh, he’ll leave if he loses. Trust me. He’ll leave.
[…] Jacobson of Legalinsurrection […]
[…] for the Russians, but potentially damaging to his campaign is disconcerting. William Jacobson summed up my concern with one question, “Why does Obama feel the President of Russia is entitled to know more about Obama’s plans than […]
[…] hesitant to report/investigate the president’s “gaffes” in front on open mikes as law professor William A. Jacobson reminds us of those the legacy “media won’t release, like CBS refusing to release the full audio of […]
[…] » President Hot Mic can’t wait for a second term […]
[…] President Hot Mic can’t wait for a second term (Update: The bigger question) […]
[…] at the tail end of his 90 minute meeting with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev Monday, which were picked up by microphones as reporters were let into the […]
[…] Link: Legal Insurrection. […]
[…] Link: Legal Insurrection. […]