Next Friday, March 30, the anti-Israeli Global March on Jerusalem will take place, with supposedly millions attempting to breach Israel’s borders to march on Jerusalem.
Israel has issue a warning to stay away from the borders, or else:
Following the deadly clashes last year during the Naksa and Nakba marches to its northern border, Israel issued a stern warning to Arab countries and Palestinians to refrain from approaching the border.
London based newspaper Al-Sharq al-Awsat reported Friday that the warning was issued in reference to the “Universal Jerusalem March” planned for next Friday to commemorate “Land Day.”
According to sources, Israel reiterated it would treat anyone who approaches the border as an infiltrator, and will act against them decisively. The report said Israel claims the march is organized by hostile elements. In a message to Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, the Hamas government in Gaza and the Palestinian Authority, Israel called on Arabs not to allow escalation in the area by allowing marches to the borders.
Apparently the warning is having an effect, as Lebanon will not allow the marchers to reach the border (or so it says):
The Lebanese branch of the “Universal Jerusalem March,” also known as “Land Day,” planned for Friday will only reach Beaufort fortress in southern Lebanon instead of heading to the Israeli-Lebanese border as previously reported, Sources close to the march told “The Daily Star” on Saturday.
According to the sources, the route was changed to avoid any clashes with Israeli authorities along the border. The organizers said they estimate some 30,000 protesters will participate in the march on Friday.
I expect that Hezbollah will bring some women and children to the border for photo-ops, and maybe to provoke a minor incident.

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Yeah, the Israelis are serious about their border.
There could be a lesson about national security in there, somewhere…
Don’t these people know it is racist to enforce boarders!
They have NOT been paying attention to the Obama and the establishment GOP lectures…
Oops. Bookstores on the mind…
Israel is not bowing to the PC police. Protect your borders. Maybe the US will learn a lesson or two (but I’m not holding my breath).
It’s shameful that we do not have a US leader willing to stand by Israel.
Not as shameful as the liberal Jews that helped elect him, and still stand by him.
“It’s shameful that we do not have a US leader willing to stand by” The United States of America..
The problem is a clash of cultures. Westerners are appalled when civilians are injured. Thus we outlaw firebombing cities and restrict other weapons. The Muslims are not of the Western Tradition, and civilians are fair game. Thus they send rockets into Israel from civilian populated areas. When the Israelis retaliate and there are civilian casualties, that’s the Israeli’s fault. The Mohammedans who wish to destroy Israel, and us, have no qualms about provoking incidents when innocents are put in grave danger. Rounding up a bunch of women and children to approach the borders won’t bother them if the Israelis are made to look bad. We need to understand what we are dealing with.
“Rounding up a bunch of women and children to approach the borders won’t bother them if the Israelis are made to look bad”
Vastly understated…in my opinion.
“I expect that Hezbollah will bring some women and children to the border for photo-ops,…”
Get the ketchup ready!! Action !!
Money do more than ketchup.mthey take dead bodies of children from accident scenes and claim that the children we killed by Israel. I expect that they will have quite a few bloodstained bodies from the morgue to be used to wrench hearts around the globe. My heart? Stone cold towards them.
They’ll probably just pay poor parents to have their kids dash at Israeli checkpoints while throwing rocks. It will be more money than they can make in a year and they’ll have the ‘honor’ of being the parents of martyrs.
I am guessing Israel will not be seeking advice on border security from Janet Nappy.
If the activists had any integrity whatsoever, then they would march on every nation in this world. Perhaps their indignation is selective or there is a statute of limitations for historical events. Unfortunately, in their selective confirmation of reality, they lose any credibility (and dignity) they may have once possessed.
The Israelis reject a selective history and reality. Good for them. We need more people who recognize and act to preserve their dignity. This was the most important lesson of enlightenment.