Good omen

A state senate race in a normally safe Democratic district in New York has Democrats worried.  (h/t reader Tom)

Down to the wire in too-close-to-call Southern Brooklyn Senate race (emphasis mine):

The too-close-to-call state Senate race in southern Brooklyn was down to the  wire Wednesday, with Republican David  Storobin holding a slim lead over Democrat Lew Fidler.Final results in the race to replace disgraced Sen.  Carl Kruger hinge on hundreds of absentee and paper ballots that will be  counted next week, and both camps claimed victory. As of 7:30 p.m. Wednesday,  Storobin held a lead of 143 votes.The close tally reflected a strong  showing by Storobin, a lawyer, against Fidler,  a City Councilman who had been considered the favorite. It capped an all out  effort by Republican activists to repeat the upset scored by Rep. Bob Turner on much  of the same southern Brooklyn turf.Many Fidler supporters may have assumed he was a shoo-in, but the race grew  tighter as Storobin, who immigrated as a child from the Soviet Union , gained  support in Russian neighborhoods and among socially conservative Orthodox Jews  who were inundated with attacks against Fidler.“We had an overwhelming outpouring of support in the district from rabbis in  the Orthodox community to Russian immigrants who identify very strongly with  David,” said Storobin spokesman David  Simpson.The unexpected tight race in a district that is heavily Democratic is the  latest bad news for Senate Democrats in their efforts to reclaim the majority  this fall.“It’s a bad omen,” said Sen. Diane  Savino (D-Staten Island) “We should not be having to compete for races in  Brooklyn. It’s the most Democratic county in the state.”

Blogger Orthodox Pundit (!) says it reflect anti-incumbent sentiment:

I think that on the Orthodox front, more than anything, the last few elections showed that there is a strong anti-establishment mood in the Orthodox community. There is an insurgent segment that hates the inevitability mantle created by politicians around their candidates.

I think this is a good omen for November.

Tags: 2012 Election