Dick Lugar improperly billed for hotel stays

Dick Lugar has a lot of campaign money.

But he has problems.  In a Tea Party age he is a paradigm of insider Washington politics gone bad (for conservatives).  He has a questionable residence in Indiana, and his local election board even said he couldn’t vote because he had no home in the district (in fairness, the board Dems voted against him, but the facts are the facts).

And Lugar has a challenger in Richard Mourdock who has won twice statewide and has broad support.

Now this, via The Fix,

Indiana Republican Sen. Dick Lugar will reimburse the government for improperly billing taxpayers for hotel stays in Indianapolis in recent years.Congressional rules allow Lugar to bill taxpayers for Indianapolis hotel stays when the Senate is in session. But he erroneously used taxpayer money for hotel trips to his home state during adjournments, and after an inquiry from Politico, is reimbursing the Treasury $4,500.The controversy only added to Lugar’s electoral woes — handing his primary opponent, state Treasurer Richard Mourdock, another chance to remind voters that their senator doesn’t actually live in the state in advance of the May 8 vote.On March 15, an elections board ruled that Lugar could not continue to vote from the Indianapolis home he sold in 1977, forcing the senator to register elsewhere in the state. Lugar is appealing the decision.

A wise guy once said, Retire Richard Lugar, Elect Richard Mourdock.

You can support Mourdock here.  This is a real opportunity, folks.

Not convinced yet?

And just this morning, Lugar got the one of the least helpful endorsements possible. Former Republican-turned-Democratic Sen Arlen Specter, loathed by conservatives for switching parties, encouraged CSPAN viewers to “vote for Dick Lugar”.

Tags: IN -Senate 2012, Indiana