The only thing Ann Coulter loves more than Chris Christie is … Romneycare

I warned you.  In order to promote the election of Mitt Romney we would have to go through all sorts of philosophical and policy contortions.

And here we have ended up, with Romney’s most bombastic media supporter, who has not spared a foul word for Newt, issuing a full-throttled defense of and support for Romneycare, Ann Coulter, Three Cheers for Romneycare! (h/t INC in Tip Line)

The argument really is a masterpiece of deflection, blaming everyone but the author (Romney) for the failure Romneycare has become, and running red herrings across the path such as a jumbled discussion of federal constitutional law and mandates.

Mark Levin has a brilliant takedown of Coulter’s arguments. (If embed not working, click on link above.)

Mark Levin’s rebuttal of Ann Coulter’s “Three Cheers for RomneyCare” article » The Right Scoop –
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Suffice it to say this is not what Coulter said just months ago, when she said Romneycare “shows the failure of even statewide universal care.”  (Full 6 minute video here.)

Tags: Ann Coulter