Pro-Walker signature verification effort needs your help this weekend

As I reported the other day, petition signature checkers supporting Gov. Scott Walker are on track to identify between 100,000-200,000 invalid signatures on recall petitions.

That number does not even include duplicate signatures, and we know that duplicates are a big problem.

Supporters of Gov. Walker, however, need more time to go through the approximately 1 million signatures, and quite unbelievably, a judge in Wisconsin just denied a request for two extra weeks, even though that still would have kept the recall process within the statutory time period:

A judge has denied Gov. Scott Walker’s request for a two-week extension to review recall petition signatures, saying the election is likely to proceed.Dane County Circuit Judge Richard Niess’ ruling was a victory for recall organizers who had said there was no good reason for another extension and that Walker’s request was an attempt to delay the inevitable.Walker’s campaign argued it had only reviewed 330,000 of the roughly 1 million signatures and couldn’t get through all of them by the Feb. 27 deadline.

As reported at Big Government, the pro-Walker petition checkers are seeking more volunteers starting immediately, and with the tight timetable, they need all the help they can get:

The effort to independently analyze hundreds of thousands of signatures on petitions seeking the recall of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is reaching a critical stage, one organizer said Friday.More than 13,000 volunteers have signed up with the Verify the Recall project to help with enter the recall petitions into a search able database.“The response from Wisconsin and across the nation has been phenomenal,” said Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote. “One strong push this weekend could help us finish the data entry aspect of the project and allow us to begin our thorough analysis.”Engelbrecht says it’s not too late to sign up to help. In fact, this weekend is a crucial moment in the project.“If enough people sign up and give us two hours of their time this weekend, it will make a world of difference,” Engelbrecht said. “This is the home stretch.”Volunteers can sign up here.

Even if the effort to stop the recall fails, it is important to knock down the number of validated signatures as much as possible and to show that the recall effort submitted hundreds of thousands of fictitious, duplicate or otherwise invalid signatures, puncturing the anti-Walker narrative.

If you can help, now would be a good time.

Tags: Wisconsin