The last best hope of mankind tonight at 8 p.m. Eastern.
In the meantime:
They tried to redistrict away Michele Bachmann, but she’s fighting on. And yes, despite everything, I support having her in Congress. Her congressional campaign website is here.
“we liked Matt Drudge a lot more when he was wearing the mismatched plaids of the guerilla journalist instead of the gray pinstripes of the Republican establishment.”
On the one hand, intense internal debate in Iran as to how to destroy Israel. On the other hand, the Supreme Leader announces nukes are evil. I’m betting the first hand is right.
“The wife of a nuclear scientist slain in Tehran in January proudly proclaims via Iran’s semi-official Fars News Agency today that her husband sought nothing more than to wipe out Israel.” See, I was right.
Why such doom and gloom on the left about the possible end of racial preferences in college admissions? You’d think from their reaction that judging people based on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin was the worst thing in the world.
David Brock of Media Matters can dish it out, but can’t take it (via Kerry Picket h/t Jim Treacher):