Live with these
Working on posts about Santorum’s 2004 endorsement of and campaigning with Arlen Specter (and the false meme that we would not have Alito and Roberts if not for Santorum helping re-elect Specter), and another name to add to Operation Counterweight.
But for now you’ll have to live with these:
- Santorum thinks Mitt rigged the CPAC poll. (video here)
- Palin ‘not convinced’ Romney a conservative.
- When asked if Mr. Gingrich should step aside to allow conservative to coalesce behind Rick Santorum, Ms. Palin said, “Not yet.”
- “Obama’s budget predicts a $1.3 trillion deficit in the ongoing budget year and a $901 billion deficit in 2013.” Given the likely budget gimmicks, it almost certainly will be more.
- Santorum says he hopes MI and AZ will “make this a two-person race” vs. Romney.
- “Romney’s going to be the nominee. He’s vastly preferable to Obama. If he’s the inevitable nominee, then better for conservatives to make peace with the idea.” Nevermind.
- Hating Breitbart trailer. Language warning.
- Gawker Lies, Claims Conservatives Drop “N” Word at CPAC. Well, it is Gawker after all, purveyor of anatomical and pubic hair examinations of conservative women, attacker of Republican candidates’ children, and player of the race card. In other words, what the liberal media has evolved into.
- Still pro-mandate, just not one-size-fits-all pro-mandate.
- The word of the day is ELECTA-INEVITABILITYMITUS!!!
- more to follow.
- Gingrich’s Tax Plan v. Romney’s Tax Plan.
- “I know the Democrats will make me a target. I have a message for them: Game on.”
- Ron Paul claims foul play in Maine caucuses.
- Between Rick saying CPAC was fixed, and Ron claiming the caucuses were fixed, I’d say yesterday was a pretty good day for Newt.