The long suffering people of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations elected Linc Chafee Governor in 2010, on the Independent line.
When Chafee was a Republican Senator, he was ranked as the No. 1 RINO by Human Events. Chafee lost his reelection bid in 2006 to Sheldon Whitehouse.
In 2010, Chafee ran for Governor and eked out a win in a three way race beating the Republican candidate 36.1% to 33.6%, with the Democrat who famously told Obama to shove his endorsement of Chafee, coming in at 23%.
Since winning, Chafee has governed as expected, out liberaling Democrats on issues like illegal immigration, where he has sought to turn Rhode Island into a sanctuary state.
Now Chafee is on board as a national co-Chair of the Obama campaign. So Chafee has moved from RINO to IINO, Independent In Name Only:
President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign has named 35 national co-chairs, including Governor Chafee and actress Eva Longoria.It was in declining the offer of a largely ceremonial chairmanship of President George W. Bush’s 2004 reelection campaign that then-Senator Chafee, a Republican-turned-Independent, gave his first clue of what was to become a long path out of the Republican Party.
Atop the Rhode Island State House dome stands a statue of the Independent Man.
Under the dome sits the Independent In Name Only Man.