“Israel Apartheid Week” sickness returns

There are few things so vile as the various “Israel Apartheid Week” activities that have taken place the last few years, an attempt by the coalition of Islamists and Leftists to delegitimize Israel, and everything about Israel.

Look at the speaker list of almost any of the activities, and it’s like a freak show of wilful denial, such as the “Pinkwashing” charges brought by anti-Israeli gay leftists who seem incapable of appreciating the irony that Israel is the only country in the Middle East where they would not be stoned to death or at least severely persecuted.

The pinkwashing charge exposes the true intent, which is the complete denial to Israel of anything good:

The pinkwashing allegation uncovers something deeply nefarious about the anti-Israel movement: Opposition to Israel is rarely limited to criticism of Israel as it relates to the conflict. Instead, it often becomes an all-out attempt to slander every facet of Israel’s existence and to claim that Israel’s real and laudable achievements are just an attempt to “cover up” the darker truth. Israel’s swift responses to the recent humanitarian crises in Turkey and Haiti were similarly dismissed by anti-Israel activists as an opportunity exploited by Israel to whitewash its record.

Here are some links relating to activities which start today:

The good news, as I reported Thursday, is that support for Israel is at a historic high in the U.S. and there is a growing pro-Israel movement among American Christians on campus.‎

Tags: Antisemitism, Haiti, Israel