Israel Matzav and JWeekly have good write-ups of the anti-Israel derangement at the University of Pennsylvania, which hosted a Boycott Divest Sanction conference. Not Boycott Divest Sanction Syria, or Saudi Arabia, or Iran … just Israel.
We have featured these anti-Semitic — yes that’s what they are by their actions — before, but they are far more vicious and devious than most people understand, and one of their primary goals is the indoctrination of college students into the anti-Israel movement.
This audio shows a U. Penn. professor discussing how to work anti-Israel agitation into classes that have nothing to do with Israel:
It’s not new at U. Penn. Here’s a photo of the President of U. Penn. being photographed in 2006 with a student dressed as a suicide bomber. She says she didn’t realize what he was pretending to be — but he was carrying a mock assault rifle (didn’t that cause a reaction itself?) and clearly had on a suicide belt.
That a student felt comfortable openly appearing as a suicide bomber, whether or not the President of the University realized it, says everything you need to know about what is going on at many university campuses.
Fortunately, there was push-back among pro-Israel students and groups. A hopeful sign.