“You have maybe two weeks to Stop Worrying and Start Loving Romney”

So suggests Randall Hoven:

I can’t say he’s wrong.  I can say that it will be a disaster for our general election chances if the primaries are over so soon, before the bubble of Romney’s electability is fully probed in the conservative media.

Andy McCarthy joins a growing chorus of people who do not necessarily support the not-Romneys and have been critical of Newt in particular, but doubt Romney’s electability:

I’m still very worried that the match-up with President Obama does not favor Governor Romney. I don’t mean to overrate Obama’s strength or underrate the sundry weaknesses of the other GOP contenders. But Romney’s match-up problem is glaring.

Echoing a point I made long ago and repeatedly, McCarthy concludes:

I keep hoping to hear those three words: “I was wrong.” But they’re not coming. Romney supporters on the right keep rationalizing that he is just doing what he must do to stay viable: resisting a colossal flip-flop that would be more damaging than all the others. The candidate, however, says no, and attests that he is defending Romneycare because he believes in it. I usually worry that politicians lie. I’m worried that this one is telling the truth.

The recent circling of the wagons around Bain leads me to believe that the Republican Party and conservatives, or at least almost all of their most vocal pundits, are unable to see the reality of what is approaching.

I’m not the only one sounding the alarm, but few seem to be listening.  With time, the warnings may sink in.  But not in two weeks.

Tags: Mitt Romney, Obama campaign, Twitter