Romney poisoned the well

There is a trend developing to assign equal blame to the poisoned atmosphere in the Republican campaign, as if there were no cause just effect.

I’m not going to allow history to be rewritten the way the Romney campaign and its supporters tried to rewrite the history of the Reagan revolution and the conservative movement of the 1990s.

This campaign started positive for Newt.  Relentlessly positive, as he likes to say.

Relentless postivity worked until Iowa, when the Romney campaign and its SuperPAC unloaded with everything they had, joined by Romney’s supporters in the conservative media.  Romney wasn’t the only one unloading on Newt, but he was the most relentless and well financed.

Newt tried to stay positive in Iowa, and did so until the final few days but it was too late.

Since then the campaign has been a toxic drink of accusations back and forth, with Romney far outspending Newt many times over on negative advertisements and using his media connections to distort history.

We know who poisoned the well.  The same person as in 2008.  That should tell you something right there.

Tags: 2012 Republican Primaries, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich