Pre-debate prediction: Get Newt
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Pre-debate prediction: Get Newt

Pre-debate prediction: Get Newt

My predictions:

Rick Santorum is angry, and as I have said before, Rick Santorum does angry much better than even Newt does angry. He’s in a no win situation — if he scores enough points to damage Newt, he hands the SC election to Romney and the race could be over; if he doesn’t score points, he hands Newt the title of not-Romney. I expect him to go after Newt.

Ron Paul will go after Newt. He wants to damage anyone and everyone who is not Romney to leave himself the last challenger.

Romney will go after Newt. He has to. Newt is surging. After losing Iowa, he can’t afford to lose SC as well. Romney still has the money and campaign infrastructure, but he needs the narrative of inevitability.

See a theme here?

Newt got a chance to warm up for what he is likely to face tonight (h/t Weasel Zippers):


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anyone know what link cnn uses for live stream?

Midwest Rhino | January 19, 2012 at 7:16 pm

Good job by Newt … real failures by Obama on multiple fronts that are destructive to our country … elite media want to spend their time with Newt talking about old news from an old bitter wife. Or they want to claim the South Carolina GOP are racists.

Lame stream media has their work cut out for them, defending Obama and attacking Republicans. So they go with the Obama plan … dig up divorce dirt … call them racists … what else have they got?

And if Santorum pulls out he’ll promptly endorse Romney.

huskers-for-palin | January 19, 2012 at 8:17 pm

If Santorum pulls out and endorses Romney, I’ll award him the title of “political ho’ ” of the year….and Romney will be his pimp daddy.

Why on earth would conservatives vote for Newt when Santorum is there? Besides, the only “not Romney” who has money, strong organization and a pumped up base is Ron Paul.

What a mess the GOP has made of this election. And we all saw it coming. A RINO stampede blocking for Romney who only asset is that he is not Obama… but darn close.

We need a brokered convention.