IF I weren’t crying so hard, I would send this picture to all my email soldier buddies. When General Casey and company cut the military budget and got rid of MWR (military acronym for morale,welfare, recreation; mostly physical fitness,gym stuff), they also cut out the budget for GI blankets and pillows. So, fellow Americans, there are 100,000 freezing American soldiers in Afghanistan without blankets and pillows.
The Obumler’s $4 million dollars Hawaii vacation would have bought a blanket for every serviceperson in every post in the world! http://www.anysoldier.com
Once upon a time … in a disenchanted kingdom of no hope and crony change … there lived a naked emperor. Every morning he would ask, “Prompter, prompter, on Main Street … who will the media choose to beat?”
And the prompter would respond, ” …
LukeHandCool (whose brain is broken from sleep deprevation and requests that LI commenters, who seem to be on fire this morning, take it away and finish it off ….)
It’s funny that you mention it, because the Hall of Presidents, where Obama already has an audio-animatronic version on himself, was CLOSED during his visit. It did not reopen until after he left. For some reason that information made me laugh.
I am a DisneyWorldaholic and my favorite Disney blog went to the Magic Kingdom on Thursday specifically to do a report/photo essay on how the park functions during events like this:
Christians have their cross, Jews the Star of David, and…
Put two teleprompters together and you get Micky Mouse with droopy ears.
My favorite comments I’ve seen so far…
…when you wish upon a czar. And
….the lyin’ king.
It is just toooo easy, these pictures, to make a parody of this caricature of a president.
Someone needs to switch out the Presedential Seal with this
Good one, Professor. ;-p
boy main street sure seems empty now.
guess they wanted to match real life in the pictures…..
Dennis Miller’s rant… Ya gotta love it!
Wow … Dennis be smokin’ hot on a roll.
[…] HT: Prof. William A. Jacobson […]
Change We Can Believe In…Fantasyland
I think the picture at the bottom of this post is priceless:
Gawrsh! Creatin’ jobs is EASY! Hyuk-yuk-yuk-yuk!
[…] Jacobson @ Legal Insurrection has the best and most reflective crop-job you’ll find anywhere of the president’s trip to […]
Is he making really big pancakes?
Former Obama staffer busted for ID theft.
His economic policies were clearly born in Fantasyland.
[…] via Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion […]
Ha-ha! Whoever gave BO the idea of going to the Magic Kingdom must had been a Repub plant.
[…] I got this idea from a comment over at Legal Insurrection. […]
[…] photo crop of Obama’s Disney jaunt is posted at Legal […]
IF I weren’t crying so hard, I would send this picture to all my email soldier buddies. When General Casey and company cut the military budget and got rid of MWR (military acronym for morale,welfare, recreation; mostly physical fitness,gym stuff), they also cut out the budget for GI blankets and pillows. So, fellow Americans, there are 100,000 freezing American soldiers in Afghanistan without blankets and pillows.
The Obumler’s $4 million dollars Hawaii vacation would have bought a blanket for every serviceperson in every post in the world! http://www.anysoldier.com
Once upon a time … in a disenchanted kingdom of no hope and crony change … there lived a naked emperor. Every morning he would ask, “Prompter, prompter, on Main Street … who will the media choose to beat?”
And the prompter would respond, ” …
LukeHandCool (whose brain is broken from sleep deprevation and requests that LI commenters, who seem to be on fire this morning, take it away and finish it off ….)
“Thou, O Bama, will be beat.
The Eye of Newt will make mincemeat.”
It wasn’t the real Obama there. It was Disney actually testing out the new animatronics Obama complete with the more famous TOTUS 🙂
The test failed though as the sound track of Obama kept getting stuck on “ahhhh” and “um” 😀
It’s funny that you mention it, because the Hall of Presidents, where Obama already has an audio-animatronic version on himself, was CLOSED during his visit. It did not reopen until after he left. For some reason that information made me laugh.
I am a DisneyWorldaholic and my favorite Disney blog went to the Magic Kingdom on Thursday specifically to do a report/photo essay on how the park functions during events like this:
[…] HT: Prof. William A. Jacobson […]
…damn, how many burgers does Michael Moore eat in one serving…. like 800?
another thing… why does he come to America to make all his money: if he hates it so much here? *l*