If you haven’t heard of Ludmya “Mia” B. Love before, you will be hearing a lot more about her. Mia has the potential to be the next big thing in conservative politics. And you heard about her here first!
Mia is the American-born daughter of Haitian immigrants, mother of three children, served on the PTA, city council and now is Mayor of Sarotoga Springs, Utah. She is an avid runner and shooter, and I’m sure the readers will love this tidbit:
She has a concealed carry permit and often packs a gun. Her husband introduced her to shooting on their first date. His first gift to her was a rifle.
She’s also recently announced that she’s running for Congress in the newly created 4th District of Utah. This morning she rolled out a video to introduce herself to a wider audience:
What motivated Mia to get into politics? It started with the controversy over reciting the Pledge of Allegiance without the words “Under God” in it, as this 2009 article from when she was running for Mayor reflects:
Her political involvement began seven years ago, when she heard talk about taking the phrase “Under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance. At that time, Love taught her then 2-year-old daughter to recite the pledge with the reference to deity in it, so she would know it the way her mother had learned it in school.
If elected, Mia would be the first black female Republican member of Congress, and she plans on taking an aggressive role in dealing with the Congressional Black Caucus:
If elected in November, Love would be the first black Republican woman in Congress and Utah’s first black representative. She said she would join the Congressional Black Caucus in Washington, D.C., should she win.”Yes, yes. I would join the Congressional Black Caucus and try to take that thing apart from the inside out,” she said….”It’s demagoguery. They sit there and ignite emotions and ignite racism when there isn’t,” Love said. “They use their positions to instill fear. Hope and change is turned into fear and blame. Fear that everybody is going lose everything and blaming Congress for everything instead of taking responsibility.”
In September 2011, Mia wrote a guest column at The Daily Caller, CBC members should stop demonizing tea partiers:
I have yet to meet a tea party member who wants to see me “hanging on a tree,” as U.S. Rep. Andre Carson of Indiana recently suggested. He says the tea party considers me a second-class citizen. In truth, as a black conservative woman in Utah, I have been welcomed into the arms of a freedom-loving movement. The tea party reflects the principles of freedom and prosperity black Americans have long fought to win.
While race obviously will be a topic of discussion, Mia defines herself as a mother, wife, Utahan, and American:
As the videos above evidence, Mia voices an agenda of individual responsibility and liberty.
Mia is a fiscal conservative, having helped her town dig out from under a multi-million dollar deficit through cost cutting. Mia wants to take that agenda to Congress:
In order to balance the budget while cutting taxes, Love said she would start by abolishing the Department of Education and the Department of Energy, delegating their responsibilities to the states.She said she would slash regulations and open up federal land to energy drilling.Love recounted how her parents fled Haiti with $10 in their pocket, settling in Brooklyn and making a life for themselves.”I had a front-row seat for two people living the American dream,” she said. “I will not stand by as we leave our children a legacy of debt and dependency.”
The 4th District was created because Utah gained an extra seat as a result of the Census. There is no incumbent, but current Democratic Congressman Jim Matheson will be running in the 4th District because his prior district was carved into four pieces in redistricting. (It’s okay to chuckle.) So while this is not a chance to flip a district, it is a chance to eliminate a Democratic seat in the House.
Defeating Matheson is a priority for the NRCC, which already has run an ad against him.
There are three Republicans with whom Mia will be competing for the Republican nomination, long-term State Senator Carl Wimmer, State Senator Stephen Sandstrom, and lawyer Jay Cobb.
The process in Utah is that there will be caucuses with Republican delegates and then a convention in the spring. If no candidate gets 60% of the delegate votes, there will be a primary between the top two. A primary is considered likely.
Both the Republican contest and the general election are expected to be close. Recent polling has Matheson in the lead, but that’s mainly due to better name recognition; Mia’s name recognition is low, giving her a good opportunity to grow her share of the vote.
I reached out to Mia recently and she was kind enough to call me. We had a great discussion. Mia is pro-life, pro-Tea Party, pro-Israel, and pro-2nd Amendment. (In case you were wondering, the rifle her husband gave her as a first gift was a Marlin .22 caliber with a stainless steel barrel and scope, and she packs a Glock 26 9 mm.)
Mother, runner, shooter, Mayor, small government conservative who got into politics for the right reasons, unafraid to take on the powers that be … I know you’re thinking what I’m thinking.
I’m making Utah-04 one of my focus races for 2012, and will do what I can to help Mia get the nomination and defeat Matheson.
Mia’s website is Love4Utah.com, she’s on Twitter @MiaBLove, Facebook and YouTube.
Mia she needs to raise funds pretty quickly to catch up with her competitors, to get her message out to Utah delegates, and to build the infrastructure for a primary race and general election. You can donate here.
Just do it. Operation Counterweight has started.