Dem SuperPAC targeting “Tea Party 10”
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Dem SuperPAC targeting “Tea Party 10”

Dem SuperPAC targeting “Tea Party 10”

A Democratic SuperPAC just made my job of identifying House members to support as part of Operation Counterweight a whole lot easier.

The new SuperPAC will target 10 Tea Party congressmen, six of whom have been identified with four to be named, via HuffPo (h/t @JazzShaw):

A liberal super PAC is set Monday to launch what it is billing as a multimillion dollar campaign to “Take Down the Tea Party Ten.”

The effort by the progressive outfit CREDO aims to use the new big-spending super PAC model, which can accept unlimited donations, to back extensive local organizing and “education” aimed at defeating 10 members of Congress seen by the left as the worst of the worst….

The first six lawmakers targeted by the group are Reps. Sean Duffy (R-Wis.), Steve King (R-Iowa), Allen West (R-Fla), Joe Walsh (R-Ill.), Frank Guinta (R-N.H.), and Chip Cravaack (R-Minn.). Four more will be chosen by CREDO’s members.

Although super PACs can take unlimited donations, the group is boasting that, with 11,000 donors, it is much more a grassroots organization.

Allen West in particular faces a firestorm.  He’s being put in a very weak position because of redistricting about to be passed by Florida Republicans, he always has been a target for the left, and now he will have a SuperPAC devoted to taking him out.

You can get links on how to support West at the Focus Page.


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to the full extent allowed by law.


Love Allen West, if Newt were to choose him as VP that would be sooo great!

Things are far from over. The more the left tries to go after them the more we’ll be there to support them. Certo!

“The campaign released a statement Sunday night saying it is “now in a position where we will be able to respond to Romney’s ads in every state moving forward.”

“One issue is clear, Gingrich has no problem running from behind. Twice already during the campaign he has been left for dead only to rise like Lazarus to fight another battle. So losing Florida might be no big deal.

Another factor favoring Gingrich if he loses in Florida is that primary/caucus victories haven’t generated much momentum so far. Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum didn’t gain any strength in New Hampshire after winning in Iowa. And Romney flopped in South Carolina after winning in New Hampshire.”

“Newt: George Soros is right. I’m the real threat, not Romney”

Looks like the Democrats are doing the same thing the Republican establishment is – take out the tea party. Well We surround them. There are more of us than there is of them. After watching the tea party in South Carolina & Florida, I think we’re ready to rumble. Game on!

Windy City Commentary | January 30, 2012 at 1:38 pm

Wait a minute; this can’t be right. The only way Republican Congressman are going to lose re-election is if we nominate Newt. That’s all I’ve been hearing the past week.

“If anything has become clear this week, it’s that Mitt’s surrogates don’t have the intellectual heft or integrity that Newt’s supporter have. This article offers a few examples of those weaknesses. This is a prime example:

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi called Romney a “champion for pro-life values” as she introduced him at the rally. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen offered a similar defense during an earlier rally with the Cuban American community in Hialeah.

Bondi and Ros-Lehtinen can say whatever they want but their words ring hollow. The reality is that O’Romneycare allows for taxpayer funding of abortions. Mitt signed that into law 2 years after he allegedly had his pro-life epiphany.

Romney’s team has tried explaining that away by saying that that’s the court’s decision, that Mitt’s hands were tied. That’s BS. The reality is that Mitt could’ve vetoed the bill and forced the legislature to override his veto. Mitt didn’t do that.”

Thanks for the posts. The “Progressives” hear footsteps. No one believes the president, his press secretary, the senate majority leader, the past speaker of the house. No one believes Chris Matthews, George Stephanopolous, Whats Her Name from Jeopardy, Whats Their Names from Comedy Central.

What voters know is that they have been defrauded, who has defrauded them and that the frauds will soon be private citizens again. Go buy that market, Mr. Campaign Manager.

Some of the frauds and their staffers have their speaking arrangements and book deals made, just ask their agents. Criminal defense lawyers qualified to practice before the federal courts will be booked solid.

When the new Attorney General is sworn in watch for the track meet to his office for plea deals. TSA will be looking for fugitives instead of jihadists at the airport.

Thanks again, Professor.

A Florida friend has put this video in her “Public Service Announcement”, which includes links to L.I. and other good cites about Romney’s lying.

These are the same turds whining about the Koch brothers and Citizens United.

Not to mention the violent eliminationist rhetoric.

West is also a major target for the GOP establishment as are all elected Tea Party Republicans. Just ask Joe Miller in AK. The effort in FL against West is being pushed by Romney who was also a part of Tea Party conservative Chuck Devore getting pushed aside for liberal Carly Fiorina in CA.

That is how the one-party system works. It’s not about beating Obama in December, it’s about clearing the decks of conservatives in preparation for Jebbie in 2016.

    Doug Wright in reply to Pasadena Phil. | January 30, 2012 at 7:25 pm

    I always wonder tell the end of time whether Jeb would have been the better Bush running in 2000 but might never know the answer to that question.

    However, right now, Jeb needs to be told that his time will never come.

    The last thing this country needs is a Ruling Dynasty, whether it’s the Bushes, Clinton, Adams, or Washingtons. Maybe Jeb’s son, George P., sometime down the road but not Jeb not now.

“A Democratic SuperPAC just made my job of identifying House members to support as part of Operation Counterweight a whole lot easier.”

Indeed. Makes it easier for us to know who to send checks too. I had already contributed to Steve King (via Club for Growth) and have sent many checks to Allen West. Now I know some other good people!

Thanks CREDO!!

And thanks to you, Professor. Keep up the fight.