Why a default candidate is not enough

There was an unemployment report released this morning which showed the unemployment rate dropping to 8.6%.

That’s a big plus for Obama, even though the drop almost entirely is the result of people leaving the workforce, as Jame Pethokoukis notes:

The mainstream media pays no attention to the underlying numbers. 8.6% is 8.6%.  If anyone finds a mainstream media headline focusing on the number of people who left the workforce, please post in the comments.  I won’t hold my breath.

Anyone who thinks a default Republican candidate will waltz into the White House in January 2013 based on the “unemployment rate” is sorely mistaken.  The unemployment number that everyone focuses on may not be as “bad” as expected, for reasons the media will ignore.

Update:  Thanks to reader Myk for this Reuters headline.  I wonder if the mainstream papers will run it, since this link is from Reuters own website.

Tags: Unemployment