Strangest, er, bedfellows ever

Repeal of sodomy, bestiality ban sparks fight on Defense bill:

As the final Defense authorization bill gets hammered out in conference committee, one surprising issue is riling both social conservatives and animal rights activists: the repeal of a ban on sodomy and bestiality….News of the bestiality repeal has sparked conservative groups like the Family Research Council to warn of a “campaign to radicalize the country from the Pentagon out,” even if the intent to repeal bestiality wasn’t there. The group likened the repeal to last year’s end of the military’s “Don’t ask, don’t tell” rule on gays serving openly in the military….Lester Kinsolving, who writes for conservative website WorldNetDaily, asked about the issue at a White House briefing Monday, prompting press secretary Jay Carney to say: “Let’s get to something more serious.”That response, however, drew a rebuke from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.“We were upset to note that you flippantly addressed the recently approved repeal of the military ban on bestiality,” the group wrote in a letter to Carney. “With respect, this is no laughing matter. Our office has been flooded with calls from Americans who are upset that this ban has been repealed — and for good reason.”

Now tell me again, why are we removing a ban on bestiality?  I just want to know who’s on the other side of the argument.

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