“That clip was so satisfying that I need a cigarette!”

That’s what commenter and blogger Joan of Argghh said last night after watching the clip of Newt taking on Scott Pelley over killing enemy combatants.

So what do you say about this one?

Update:  Ann Althouse enjoyed Newt’s performance also:

He listens to the precise question asked and examines it, then works out, before our eyes, what is wrong with that question and what the real issue is. He has a depth of understanding and flexibility of mind that allows him to do that, he cares about doing that accurately and well, and he has the style to want to perform reasoning for us. I like that. I try to do that all the time in class, and I know how hard it is, what presence of mind and grasp of the material it takes.

Tags: 2012 Republican Primaries, Newt Gingrich


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