Occupy has more than a woman problem

What kind of movement calls female supporters “white bitches”?  And what type of women take that to be a term of endearment?

Via The Atlantic, The Occupy Movement’s Women Problem:

“I’m called ‘that white bitch who gets everything she wants’ at the GA’s,” says Elise Whitaker, 21, adopting a bit of a defiant posture. She’s been at Occupy LA since the second week of the encampment….During the very first week of the Occupation in LA I noticed that the gender breakdown in its General Assembly (GA) and various committee meetings was roughly the same as the within the U.S. Congress. In other words, about one-fifth of those who were participating in the (small d) democratic part of this Occupy encampment were women. It was the same with the people who slept in the camp.This is pretty consistent throughout the movement in general.

The author then goes on to excuse it all, and to blame enemies of OWS for publicizing the rapes that have taken place as part of some sort of smear campaign against OWS.

The problems with OWS and its supporters goes far beyond a woman problem.

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