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Legal Insurrection fundraiser

Legal Insurrection fundraiser

It’s been a really long time (almost two years, I think) since I’ve done this.

A number of readers have been very generous over the years both in making one time donations and monthly subscriptions (starting at $5 per month) [Some people have had trouble with these links, if so, use the Donate buttons in the sidebar.].  (Note, donations are NOT tax deductible.)

These donations have been very helpful in funding the redesign of the blog, moving it to its own “vitrual server,” and setting up a variety of custom behind-the-scenes features which make it easier for me to manage the blog alone.

I expect there to be even more changes in technology both behind the scenes and up front in the coming year as we gear up for the most important elections Since The Great Depression.  In addition to the presidential campaign, where the Lombardi Rule will come into effect uniting me behind whoever the nominee is, we will be focusing on congressional races in the hope of electing a more conservative Congress to serve as a check and balance on the new Republican President.

The donations permit me to operate the blog without the annoying pop-up and other types of advertisements which would bring in more revenue, but would be, well, annoying.

There are other ways you can help.  Visit the Shopping Page and the sidebar where there are links to Amazon, Target, and other online stores.  I get a small percentage of any sales, at no extra cost to you.  As you do your holiday and Cyber Monday shopping, I encourage you to access the stores through those links.

I appreciate your support.


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.



Professor: I put some money in the pot today. Thank you so much for your spirit and intelligence, as well as your support of some of my humble blogging efforts. 2012 is going to be a big year, and we need you to lead the charge for “Operation Counterweight”.

Professor, my donation isn’t large but might help a little. We need your wisdom and faith in America and will fight with you to save our country. God bless you.

Professor, a donation is on its way for your wonderful and sincerely appreciated efforts to help us Occupy Reality. Sincere thanks also to Kathleen, Matthew, and Michael — and to your family.

Professor, you need only ask. While I live far away, I note that I made a donation to Scott Walker today. Without your continued attention I would not have been nearly as aware of the unlawful and loathsome efforts of his, and ultimately our, adversaries. You have my sincere appreciation for what I consider your truly public service, every day.

Well, Professor, it is trouble in River City when I see Chefs’ Catalog! Enough said! : )))). Thank you for the link, and, always, your time spent in blogging! Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanks for posting this. The shopping links are especially helpful with the holidays coming up. I had no idea you had shopping links until today. Happy Thanksgiving!

I have been shopping amazon through you since I became a viewer of your blog.(my favorite)

I will be ordering more in the next few weeks, all through this blog!

Thank you!!!


I would have thought that your payments from the Newt campaign (in exchange for your endorsement) would have more than covered your next year’s expenses!

Nevertheless, I’m more than happy to donate and will do so later today.

    Mutnodjmet in reply to shroutr. | November 22, 2011 at 12:37 pm

    LOL! I sure wish I had a GOP-candidate wannabe pay me for my opinion. 😉

      sybilll in reply to Mutnodjmet. | November 22, 2011 at 5:30 pm

      I wish I could get some of that Koch money I keep hearing I’m getting paid to attend Tea Party events.
      I concur on the suggestion for the remainder closer to Christmas time. I just went back to work last week, so I have some catch up to play.

When I click “One time donation” link this is what I get …

Sorry — your last action could not be completed
If you were making a purchase or sending money, we recommend that you check both your PayPal account and your email for a transaction confirmation after 30 minutes.

If you came to this page from another website, please return to that site (don’t use your browser’s Back button) and restart your activity.

If you came from PayPal’s website, click the PayPal logo in the upper-left corner to return to our home page and restart your activity. You might have to log in again.

I just used “One time donation” and it didn’t work until I clicked on “Update Total” and then it worked just fine.

Thanks for everything you do, Professor. Hope you and your family have a Happy Thanksgiving and please remind us again around Christmas time.

LukeHandCool (who likes the name “Operation Counterweight”)

P.S. I’ve found that a good way to buy from Amazon through LI is to add books you want to buy to your “wish list” (it’s the button just below the “Add to Cart” button).

Then, when you go to the LI store, your wish list is there.

I hoped to buy the $250+ (each class!!) textbooks for my accounting classes through LI, but the sneaky school bookstore in cahoots with the professors often package the textbooks with supplementary materials these days and so you have to buy from them.

    Thanks for this excellent suggestion! I was wondering how I could do this. I already make a lot of purchases from amazon; now they will be via LI.

    beloved2 in reply to LukeHandCool. | November 23, 2011 at 2:12 pm

    I thought every student knew about to rent those overpriced college textbooks. Check out their websites. We have used them for three school years renting texts for about $80 for 5 classes, saving over $500 a semester over the bookstore prices.
    Professor, students don’t have much money but we sure do appreciate your website. Say, how about a raffle of $5 a ticket for a chance to have dinner with you? If that was not as successful Obama’s raffle, you could offer raffle tickets for $3 and a slurpee just like dear leader. LOL

Glad to help out Professor. LI the first and last stop every day. Don’t spend it all in one place!

[…] William Jacobson- The second professor on the list, the proprietor of Legal Insurrection. He makes Cornell Law School sound […]

I just don’t have anything to spare 🙁
I try to drive people to you though.

I cursed (non-profanely) my automotive situation when I learned that no, no muffler shop (or Honda dealer) could remove 18-year-rusted nuts from my catalytic converter.

I felt somewhat better when I found a great price on a replacement unit at Amazon by following your shopping link. I hope you enjoy your cut as much as I’ll enjoy a working car.

Professor, Legal Insurrection is one of three main, “go to” web sites I read multiple times daily. I’m happily contributing today to support your website and its Voice for Liberty and Freedom.

You are one of the Indispensable Men (Women) of our Time!