Iran doings

Some interesting Iran things going on.

A massive explosion at a military base / missile depot about 12 miles (some reports say 25 miles) from Tehran broke windows in the capital.

Claims already are being made that it was Israeli sabotage.

One of the dead was the head of Iran’s missile program.  If this was not a “work accident” and assassination by sabotage, it would fit into a pattern of senior Iranians connected with the nuclear program being eliminated in Iran.

And the son of a high-ranking Iranian official died under suspicious circumstances in Abu Dubai.  DEBKAFile claims the death used a similar method as the hit on a high-ranking Hamas official in Dubai in February 2010.

And Iran just admitted that a Stuxnet variant has infected computers in its nuclear program, although it claims that all is well.

Someone is stepping it up, the question is whether it’s too little too late.

Tags: Iran