Check out time at Zuccotti Park

When I heard that NY City police had cleared out Zuccotti Park overnight, I couldn’t wait to see the NY Post headline.  I was not disappointed:

What do you think of my headline? Do I have what it takes to be a headline writer for the NY Post?

Update: Apparently a judge has issued an order allowing the camping to continue on the ground that it has gone on this long already. It’s rulings like this which give the judiciary a bad name. The next rape or stabbing is on the judge.

Update No. 2 :  Another judge, who held a hearing and gave the city a chance to be heard, has held that the city was within its rights in keeping the protesters from setting up a tent city in Zuccotti Park:

“The [protesters] have not demonstrated that they have a First Amendment  right to remain in Zuccotti Park, along with their tents, structures, generators  and other installations to the exclusion of the owner’s reasonable rights and  duties to maintain Zuccotti Park, or to the rights to public access of others  who might wish to use the space safely,” Manhattan Supreme Court Judge Michael  Stallman wrote in a four-page decision.”Neither have the applicants shown a right to a temporary restraining order  that would restrict the city’s enforcement of law so as to promote public health  and safety.”

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