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#WeCantWait Tweet of Day

#WeCantWait Tweet of Day

Another day, another failed Obama attempt to dominate Twitter with a campaign-inspired hastag (see, #attackwatch).

This time the hastag is #WeCantWait as in “we can’t wait” for Republicans to approve whatever half-baked scheme Obama wants to push through Congress to prove that he is the “jobs president.”

Dan Riehl nails it:


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#WeCantWait for O to be OUT of Office

what is the context of “can’t wait”? is it “can’t wait”, as in excited anticipation?

or is it “can’t wait”, as in urgency?

[…] see how many times the O team is going to make a hash tag before they give up. More fun for the non-libtard tweeters. Just troll on over to #WeCantWait Asia […]