October 12, 2008, a day which shall live in infamy.
The day of the first post at this thing called a blog which some guy decided to call Legal Insurrection:
It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Three years later the scorecard shows over 9,750,000 visits, 12,750,000 page views, 4,350 posts, 46,300 comments, and innumerable excuses.
The why’s and thanks already have been blogged, so I will not repeat them but please check them out. The reality is that without the kindness of fellow bloggers I’d still be a voice in the wilderness.
And thanks to the readers and commenters, because I know your time is precious, and there are only so many blogs you can read before the boss returns.
To my wife of 27 years, don’t believe everything you read about women throwing themselves at successful male bloggers. Some of it is not true.
The fight goes on, because I’m afraid to jump off this moving train.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Congratulations, Professor, on your three year blogiversary!!!
Please keep up the good fight; we need you now – more than ever!
Keep up the good work, professor. No day would be complete without your wit and insight.
“So much Liberal horse manure to deal with, so little time.”
“The fight goes on, because I’m afraid to jump off this moving train.”
Good. The internet is a much better ‘place’ with your presence.
Thanks to you, Professor, for your dedication to the conservative cause. And a special thanks to your ‘better half’ for putting up with the lot of us here at ‘Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion‘!
Congratulations! I really enjoy reading your posts and all the comments(mostly!). I can say without a doubt that the last three years have been more tolerable because of your sound reasoning,insightful analysis,and definitely your wit! Thank you,Professor.
Congratulations!!!! Your blog is my favorite. I check in quite a few times a day!!!
Keep pluggin’, William!
Congratulations on lasting this long. Bit it has to be the lawyers plot, otherwise why in the name of everything civil would the top three blogs be run by lawyers?
[…] Congratulations to William Jacobson on the third anniversary of his very good Legal Insurrection blog! […]
If at all possible, the conservation of our society should be pursued through intellectual means.
Fight the good fight, Professor Jacobson.
Congratulations and thanks. Very much.
Happy Blogiversary, Professor Jacobson. What a wonderful patriot you are. I get a little teary thinking about what a wonder you’ve been and will continue to be in the conservative blogosphere.
Thanks for your hospitality.
Along with Martywd: Many thanks to your wife! You have a jewel and so does she.
[…] 3 year anniversary […]
Congratulations, oh Captain! Keep fighting the good fight! Kudos to your wife!
Congratulations Professor….I’m sure I’m not alone in saying that your blog is awesome….please stay on the train.
Best blog in blogdom.
Congratulations, Professor. Always stop at least once a day. It’s always a pleasure.
Bill, I told you before and I reiterate now: This is the only blog I read that I consider a must check every six hours or so. Keep up the great work. I also very highly value your recommendations for contributing to candidates. I am pretty sure I have donated every time you have suggested it. Your blog is truly the best.
Mazal tov Professor. I’m so glad I discovered your blog (via a link from you to me!). The wit and level of discourse of your own posts and the commenters really cheer me up when my local (i.e Middle East) politics get me down, and I’ve gotten an education into American politics at the same time.
May you go from strength to strength, “ad me’ah ve’esrim”: until 120 – though you might consider that a bit old for a blog. 🙂