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Romney picks tonight’s Game 7 winner

Romney picks tonight’s Game 7 winner

He’s staked out a position, and he’s not backing down.

From @StevenErtlet:


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Ah yes, clarity and decisiveness, just what we need in the GOP Nominee for president for 2012.

Cheers everyone.

Wait, he would have to have said they weren’t going to win before this.

Ah, Mittens, ye truly are a candle in the wind.

Love it!

He’ll probably still lose his bet.

It would be just as fair to tweet this about Cain who has flipflopflipped on abortion – and runed 9-9-9 into 999/909.

    WarEagle82 in reply to reliapundit. | October 28, 2011 at 10:09 pm

    No, actually it isn’t the same. Mitt Romney has spent DECADES flipping on everything he has professed at one time or another. Cain has been on the campaign trail for a few months. That doesn’t completely excuse his statements. But it is NOT EVEN CLOSE TO THE SAME…

While we joke about Romney, do recall John Kerry admitted his favorite Red Sox player was Manny Ortez.

Not Manny Ramirez. Not David Ortiz.

Manny Ortez.

Yet somehow, it was Bush who was the stupid one.

    Milwaukee in reply to jimg. | October 29, 2011 at 11:22 am

    Let’s not forget that 0bama wore a White Sox hat to a game. When asked about it he went on about how he always rooted for those blue-collar White Sox. When asked to name his favorite Sox player, his response was that White Sox fans weren’t like those Chardonnay sipping North Siders. What a poser!

    The big 0 is really peeved the NBA season is in jeopardy.


And let’s not forget that Ronald Reagan changed his position from pro-choice to pro-life and taxes later in life.

When asked if some would be unhappy with the results of Game 7, Romney said “we’d be happy to add a Game 8 if necessary”.

TeaPartyPatriot4ever | October 29, 2011 at 5:25 am

Plaaaeeesssseee… with a 50/50 chance, either way, how does reflect anything on, or about Romney.. amazing..

I get it!
Delayed Reaction Humor….stradle both sides,eh?

I hear that he’s not sure, once again, about global warming. I’m sure about one thing, I don’t want him for President.