Operation Counterweight, the electoral strategy for the rest of us

Thanks to commenter Mutnodjmet for reminding me:

PS.  Just to let you know, in light of Palin’s decision, I am promoting OPERATION COUNTERWEIGHT quite heavily.

The reference is to my post in early June, Commence Operation Counterweight:

Why do I have this feeling that the back-stabbing and petty politics of the Republican insiders are going to leave me completely unexcited about the presidential campaign, and more focused on electing conservatives to Congress as a counterweight to the (hoped for) new Republican President?Fight for the Republican nominee we want and the defeat of Obama, but also commence preparations for Operation Counterweight.

That will be my strategy for 2012, focusing on critical races in which we can elect Republicans willing to stand up to the Republican President who will take the oath of office in January 2013, and keep the Republican Speaker of the House and Republican Senate Majority Leader from repeating the mistakes of the past.

(Suggestions of candidates/races to focus on always welcome.  With redistricting still in progress, it’s harder to identify candidates who meet the criteria: (1) must be a conservative Republican (preferably with a Tea Party background), not third parties; (2) must be a swing district, i.e., a potentially vulnerable Republican or chance to flip a Democratic seat; and (3) must not already have national attention and fundraising .)

Tags: OccupyWallStreet, Operation Counterweight