Let me guess, UN will charge Israel with animal cruelty

It’s been a while since I’ve been able to post a good Stuxnet story.  Stuxnet, you will recall, is the malicious malware which has plagued the Iranian nuclear program and which is blamed — without proof — on Israel.

The PJ Tatler notes that an Iranian attempt this week to launch a monkey into space failed and that there is speculation that Iranian missile guidance systems are compromised by Stuxnet or some other malware.  As reported by AP:

Iran acknowledged as a failure on Wednesday its attempt to send a live monkey into space last month — touted as its first step towards launching a man into space.

“The Kavoshgar-5 rocket carrying a capsule with a live animal (a monkey) was launched during Shahrivar,” an Iranian calendar month spanning August 23 to September 22, Deputy Science Minister Mohammad Mehdinejad-Nouri was quoted as saying by the ISNA news agency.

“However, the launch was not publicised as all of its anticipated objectives were not accomplished,” Mehdinejad-Nouri told reporters.

The Atlantic has a photo of the anti-Zionist monkey hero.

How long before some committee or council at the U.N. accuses Israel of animal cruelty?

Tags: Iran, Israel, United Nations