Even when politicians are “real”

they’re fake. Case in point: Michelle’s photo-op at Target store was staged 

Right outside of D.C. in Alexandria, VA, FLOTUS decided to grab a few things for 30-40 minutes with her assistant at the local Target. She was dressed in a floral button down, black pants, a Nike baseball cap, and shades. But of course, she was still somewhat noticeable. The Associated Press reported that Secret Service arrived 30 minutes before her and blended with the other customers. The only person who recognized the First Lady was her cashier!”It is not uncommon for the First Lady to slip out to run an errand, eat at a local restaurant or otherwise enjoy the city outside the White House gates,” said Kristina Schake, communications director for the First Lady.CBS News reports the pics were snapped by an Associated Press photographer who says he was tipped off that she would be there.(emphasis added).(AT) – The fact that the White House tipped off a well known photographer about the “shopping trip” gives the lie to the WH statement that the First Lady likes to “slip out to run an errand.” Stage managing this Precious Moment of supposed normalcy will do little to change the perception of the First Lady that she is a luxury loving social climber who looks down on the rest of us.

To be honest, I’m kind of relieved that the First Lady doesn’t galavant around without security. It’s just nauseating that, between the vegetable garden, J.Crew outfits, “healthy eating” and Target-trips, she’s awful at seeming genuine. Laura Bush was much more charming and she didn’t try half as hard.