Did they really chant “you can have sex with animals or whatever”?

Is there anything #OccupyWallStreet protesters will not chant responsively?  Apparently not.

“Jump the shark” doesn’t begin to describe this sequence of responsive chanting (I think they call it human microphone or whatever).

We saw the responsive chanting at Occupy Atlanta, but this one takes the cake, as the crowd mindlessly repetively chants, “You can have sex with animals or whatever.”  (at 1:00 mark of video below, h/t IsraellyCool)

Here’s the transcript from the Occupy Wall Street website:

The change is possible. So, what do we consider today possible? Just follow the media. On the one hand in technology and sexuality everything seems to be possible. You can travel to the moon. You can become immortal by biogenetics. You can have sex with animals or whatever. But look at the fields of society and economy. There almost everything is considered impossible.

No, they were not advocating sex with animals, but what makes them think you can have sex with animals?  Do they think about what they are chanting, or are they zombies?

Tags: OccupyWallStreet