The morning after

What a night.  Two big wins in NY-09 and NV-02.

Quote of the night: “It’s a very difficult district for Democrats,” said Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, noting its Democratic margins there tend to be the second lowest of all the districts in New York City.

Well yes, if you define “difficult” as having a 3-1 registration advantage, being held by Democrats since the 1920s, being the seat formerly held by Geraldine Ferraro and Chuck Schumer, and being in New York City.  With odds like that, the Democrat didn’t stand a chance.

Actually, the race turned out to be more of a national referendum than expected, as Democrats poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into the district in the end to try to salvage the race, and mounted a “ground operation” with over 1000 people in a GOTV effort.

In a time of rising pressure, with the Turkish buffoon trotting around the globe making threats, with thugs having ransacked the Israeli embassy in Cairo, with Palestinians pushing for a state with borders that are indefensible for Israel, with Israel seemingly isolated in a sea of despair, the people of NY-09 answered the call and sent a message to Washington and the world.

Your thoughts?

Update:  From Bob Turner’s victory speech in NY-09:

We have lit one candle today. It’s going to be a bonfire pretty soon. We’ve been asked by the people of this district to send a message to Washington — and I hope they hear it loud and clear: Mr. President, we are on the wrong track. We’ve had it with your irresponsible fiscal policy which endangers the entire economy and every one of our social safety nets. We have had it with your treatment of Israel… We are unhappy. I am the messenger. Heed us.

Tags: Israel