Saturday Night Card Game (The “Negrophobia” card is played)

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:

I know, I know, you’ve heard it all before.  Broken dreams and shattered hopes that the use of the race card for political gain would not get any worse.  But I told you it would.

This may be the night, however, when it has peaked, because it can’t possibly get any worse than this post by “Dennis G.” at the popular left-wing Balloon Juice blog (via Crawdad Hole), The Modern Negrophobists reaction to the President’s speech…

Balloon Juice, you may recall, was one of the first entrants into the Saturday Night Card Game, making an appearance on November 14, 2009.

“Dennis G.” uses a mid-19th Century cartoon of a drowning white man refusing to be saved by a black man, followed by this assertion about anticipated reaction from right-wingers and the professional left to Obama’s jobs speech:

This cartoon from 1862 could run in the papers tomorrow as an example of the typical Republican/Wingnut reaction to President Obama’s speech (it would also cover the reaction of more than a few firebaggers as well). This has been the reaction to everything President Obama has done so far, so I see no reason why it would stop tonight.

Wow.  Right-wingers and firebaggers — who Dennis G. presumes all to be white  — refuse to be saved by Barack Obama because Obama is black.

And the proof?  Well, all us wingnuts and the firebaggers refer to Obama as a “lawn jockey.”

Oh wait, my mistake, that was a Balloon Juice blogger referring to Juan Williams as a lawn jockey.

I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when the rise of the race card began to slow and our nation began to heal.  Because it couldn’t possibly get any worse.

Tags: Nutroots, race card, Saturday Night Card Game