I listened to Mahmoud Abbas’s delusional speech at the U.N., perpetuating the Palestinians as exclusive victims narrative.
I’m listening to Benjamin Netanyahu now, a model of clarity on the threats to peace. I’ll hope to post the videos later.
For now, it’s open time.
On the table not only is the Middle East, but the Republican primaries. I posted earlier about Perry, but if he faulters where does that leave us?
And Harry Reid is forcing a showdown and shutdown over the continuing resolution. Bring it on?
Update: It’s still ongoing, but this is possibly Netanyahu’s best speech ever “I speak for hundreds of generations of Jews…. who never gave up their hope of restoring their national rights in the one and only Jewish state…” I can’t wait to post it, you will love it. It is a masterpiece of taking down all the falsehoods and myths spread by Arab rejectionists, Islamic militants, and Western leftists.