College Republican Activism

It’s one of the top news stories across the web: Pay-by-race bake sale still on.

the controversial “Increase Diversity Bake Sale” hosted by the Berkeley College Republicans is still on, the club’s president said, despite “grossly misguided comments” and threats aimed at supporters of the University of California, Berkeley, student group.During the sale, scheduled for Tuesday, baked goods will be sold to white men for $2, Asian men for $1.50, Latino men for $1, black men for 75 cents and Native American men for 25 cents. All women will get 25 cents off those prices.The bake sale is meant to draw attention to pending legislation that would allow California universities to consider race, gender, ethnicity and national origin during the admissions process.

This is a pretty popular idea that is tossed around a lot of college Republican clubs. I’ve never been in one that has, but William & Mary, Bucknell, UC Irvine & SMU have all taken part. I like this method – in the next few weeks one of my clubs will do something similar with GPA redistribution.

The year before I came to NYU, the Republican club hosted a “find the illegal immigrant” game in Washington Sq. Park. Hundreds came into protest and counter-prostest the measure. Sarah Chambers, the club president, became famous for being named Keith Olbermann’s ‘Worst Person in the World’  — a badge of honor that I still envy to this day.