Welcome to Irene-Hype Central

Rhode Island still is without power in much of the state, including my neighborhood.  National Grid is estimating that power will not be restored to the entire town until September 5.

As of yesterday, as reported by The Providence Journal:

Electrical power was the biggest casualty of Tropical Storm Irene –– and the toll grew worse as the storm blew farther north. As the last gasps of wind knocked down more trees and branches overnight Sunday, the number of Rhode Islanders without power actually increased from 284,000 to about 344,000. That’s more than 60 percent of the customers left in the dark.Besides breaking local power lines throughout the state, the storm also wreaked havoc on 18 of the company’s main transmission lines, breaking them in multiple places, said Timothy F. Horan, president of National Grid for Rhode Island and New Hampshire. Those breaks disabled 22 substations, a third of the total.

The situation is improved, but still bad, as of this morning.

Here is the National Grid map as of this morning (each solid pink lightbulb represent >5000 customers without power).  According to the site, there were still 2,932 outages affecting 112,041 customers (not sure if “customer” is household or estimated number of people):

Tags: Rhode Island