Oslo Explosion / Update: Shooting Also

Several readers have e-mailed me with links to the explosion in downtown Oslo, Norway, outside the Prime Minister’s office.

The explosion has all the indications of a car bomb, but reports are too preliminary to say. Rather than speculating, I’ll wait until more is known.

If it is a terrorist attack tied to the Middle East, it certainly would be deep in irony. While Norway is a strong U.S. ally, Norwegian leftist groups have been at the forefront of the anti-Israel movement, anti-Semitism is rising, and even the Norwegian government has moved away from Israel in recent years.

Updates, as they come in:

Fox News confirms with Oslo police that it was a bomb blast.

Reuters also is reporting a shooting at a summer camp which apparently was coordinated, and Fox News is attributing the attacks to al-Qaeda.

I haven’t been able to keep up with all the updates today, Michelle Malkin has more.

Tags: Terrorism