I have written often about the willingness of Islamists and Leftists to cooperate when it comes to an anti-Israel agenda. That coalition has expanded its base from Europe and the United States to the birthplace of the Arab Spring:
Early this month, the authority in charge of post-Ben Ali political reform adopted a “republican pact” to form the basis of a new constitution. The completed pact included the provision prohibiting ties with Israel, though some commission members reportedly favor leaving it out. Islamist parties, along with Arab nationalists and extreme leftist factions, are pushing to implement a constitutional provision that would ban normalization of relations with Israel.
So tell me again, how’s that Arab Spring going?
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“Death to all Tunisians attempting to normalize relations with Israel,” said Ahmed Kahlaoui, who chairs a committee opposing the restoration of diplomatic ties. “We will denounce them and publish their names,” he said, …”
Can groups who oppose Mr. Kahlaoui and his ilk match that intensity? I doubt they can come anywhere near it. I don’t feel at all optimistic about the Arab Spring, regardless of how, months ago when things were shaking in Egypt, almost all my old high school classmates hailed it on Facebook as the joyous result of Obama’s magical speechmaking. Sadly, I feel even more confident today I will one day tell them, “I told you so.”
LukeHandCool (who will search for another positive story about Israel soon as too many of these stories is just too depressing)
Mr. Cool, I am sure this will work out just fine for Tunisia. Our Secretary of State and our President are now, even at this late hour, most likely figuring out how much to give these trusty allies to cover the cost of not doing business with Israel and how many F-22s they need to “defend themselves from Israel”. As if anyone would want that sandbox. Then they will throw in a few billion for a tip, figuring they will love us and respect us if the tip is large enough. Damned fools!
It seems to be going forward right on Obama’s schedule.