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Gov. Scott Walker’s Call For Help

Gov. Scott Walker’s Call For Help

As mentioned yesterday, the upcoming recall elections om Wisconsin have been mostly under the national radar, but not for the national unions which are pouring millions of dollars into the races by creating and funding groups with false names such as “We Are Wisconsin.”

As reported by Christian Schneider at NRO, these recall elections are make-or-break for organized labor:

But if Democrats succeed in winning three recall elections and win back control of the state senate (two seats are almost certain to go their way, which means they need to win just one of the remaining four), they will be emboldened. It will be trumpeted nationwide as a rebuke of Scott Walker’s policies, and will serve as a warning for future legislators around America who would dare tinker with union benefits.

Gov. Scott Walker has put out a call for help asking people to donate to

Please donate today, the recall elections are just a month away.


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.


“Flock of Seagulls”. This is going to be a l-o-o-o-n-g day.

In Fish Creek, WI, right now. A lot of passivity about recall elections, when I ask people about them. I don’t live here full time, can’t vote. It saddens me that people aren’t more involved–I’ll get your post out to all of my WI friends!

Donated + fwded link to my grassroot group.

Can’t tell if there’s a sense of urgency. Seems your posts on NYS’s gay marriage bill elicited more response than the bolsheviks waging open war in WI.

Perhaps you should post the video from, featuring Michael Moore as he brags to Rachel Maddow about using WI as a launchpad for destroying the rest of the country. The sight of his wobbling jowls should be enough to galvanize the patriots here.

Super idea, Aucturian!