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Yelena Bonner

Yelena Bonner

It is with sadness that I read of the passing of Yelena Bonner, the wife of Andrei Sakharov, at age 88 in Boston.  The story is at CIF Watch, Yelena Bonner – Courageous Jewish Leftist:

I have read several obits for Yelena Bonner, who died in Boston on June 18th at age 88. You can find them on-line easily by Googling her name.

The major papers have overlooked her attachment to her Jewish roots and her love and passionate defense of Israel. Her Jewish background is mentioned only in passing. Her love of Israel – not at all.  

Yelena Bonner suffered from anti-Semitic attacks in the Soviet Union as part of the oppression she and her husband Andrei Sakharov faced. Perhaps, like so many have, she found it strange that with all the horrors in the world, the worst opprobrium and most vicious attacks were directed at one small group of people and their tiny state and as time went by she became more aware of her Jewish roots….

Bonner’s fight against anti-Semitism and defense of Israel are not mentioned at all in the widely available obituaries in paper such as the Washington Post or NYT (nor in the Guardian, for that matter).

Right now I don’t want to get into the politics of the Soviet Union and the dissident movement there.  

The important point is to remember that there were committed leftists there who stood up against the tyranny of the state, and who after leaving stayed true to their ideals. 

Unlike a large segment of the international leftist movement now, who have joined forces with the worst of the anti-Semites.  Some of them are useful idiots, others know exactly what they are doing.


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Well stated. There was a time when liberals believed in Freedom.

I have noticed there is another angle of attack on Israel being made from some on the Right; Zionism.
Of course, these same folks check for Bilderbergers, Trilaterals, Masons, and members of the CFR under their bed at night.
I bought the hype about Zionism when I was an undergrad 30 years ago. If you have watched the Middle East for the past 30 years, you realize the hype is wrong.

David R. Graham | June 21, 2011 at 9:07 pm

“Unlike a large segment of the international leftist movement now, who have joined forces with the worst of the anti-Semites. Some of them are useful idiots, others know exactly what they are doing.”

How true, how true!

Modern leftists are not classical leftists (Rousseau/Voltaire, though they tend towards De Sade-ites). They join cause with the worst anti-Semites, cheats and liars by trade and nature (e.g., Mohammedans, many of whom are Semites, but also liberal arts faculties, many not Semites!) because they share the goal of prana-sucking everyone in sight, including one another.

Most of them know exactly what they are doing, and are glad of it. More than anti-Semitic, they are anti-human, specifically misogynistic. This whole upset, this world-wide shaking of the foundations by state-sponsored terrorism, is caused by the misogyny of homosexuals aiming to dominate.