Weiner Conspiracy Theory Morphs From Hacking To Blackmail

Joseph Cannon was one of the first and most vocal to claim that Andrew Breitbart either directly or through others had set up Anthony Weiner by hacking and/or spoofing the original tweet last Friday night which set off the firestorm.

Cannon’s theory of how Weiner was framed was widely cited in the case made against Breitbart in the left-blogosphere.

Yesterday Weiner stated unequivocally that he sent the tweet.

Cannon now has shifted gears, and is claiming that Weiner is being implicitly blackmailed into lying by Breitbart because Breitbart has an X-Rated photo of Weiner:

Breitbart’s own words this day constitute an implied threat. He has said that he possesses an extremely explicit photo which he would prefer not to show. That as-yet unseen photo constitutes a Sword of Damocles (no pun intended). Perhaps without realizing the implications, Breitbart has today made statements which place him perilously close to the “Charles Augustus Milverton” [link added] category.

If I were Weiner, I would have said exactly what he said today, even if I had not sent the picture on the 27th.

Diagnosis:  Breitbart Derangement Syndrome.

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