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Unattended children of vegans will be given hamburgers and milkshakes

Unattended children of vegans will be given hamburgers and milkshakes

Spotted by prolific bumper sticker photographer Jason in Asheville, NC.

(no animals were harmed in the taking of these photos)


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Apparently she’s (safe assumption) okay with the idea that her president is a cultist.

As far as the threat against unattended children, my first though is that she’s a member of a teacher’s union somewhere as they certainly enjoy having their way with unattended children.

The only time that “left unattended” sign is funny, is when displayed in a shop or an arcade.

Otherwise, it’s like, huh? You gotta lotta puppies in your car trunk or something? Creepy!

Just proves that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

gonetoworkbbackin5min | June 23, 2011 at 11:37 am

Libs are saving the planet, therefore have no children.

Don’t bash all us vegans – we’re not all lefty doofuses!

jeannebodine | June 23, 2011 at 10:56 pm

Just got back from my niece’s vegan wedding. We all had to suffer for Gaia’s sake. Flowers were forbidden in order to thwart Big Oil and their nefarious interstate blossom trucking. Fortunately my brother-in-law talked my niece out of carrying mushrooms as a bridal bouquet, reminding her that a wedding was supposed to be a joyful occasion. Hair shirts were not mandatory; however, guests were urged via the invitation to wear used/worn garments. I’m happy to report there were no label or tag checks at the reception. I’m also happy to report that the not-to-sad couple, AFTER VACATIONING FOR 2 WEEKS IN HAWAII, will not be producing any little boy or girl vegans. In addition to disliking children, the groom had his tubes tied when he was 16 because of Malthusian fears/environmental activism that developed when he was a young child after reading the Dr. Seuss book, The Lorax. He also had a large tatoo of The Lorax done on his right arm the same year.

Jeannebodine: At least they stand for something. Too bad the something is known as stupid,

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jeannebodine | June 24, 2011 at 9:08 am

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