Reader Poll: Will Anthony Weiner Resign Prior To The Next Election?

I think this did it.  If he were a ship, he’d be taking on water faster than the pumps can work.
He refuses to deny it is a photo of him:

Rep. Anthony Weiner says he “can’t say with certitude” that the lewd photo of a man’s crotch sent using his Twitter account to one of his followers isn’t of him.

“I didn’t send that picture out,” Weiner said in an interview with NBC News.
“That’s not a picture of you?” reporter Luke Russert asked.

Weiner responded: “You know, I can’t say with certitude.”

We don’t expect much of our politicians, but we do expect them to know if they’ve taken pictures of their own crotches and uploaded them to yfrog.

You see, he’s sunk if he took and uploaded the photo, regardless of whether he sent it.  The “my account was hacked” or “it was a prank” only addresses who sent the photo.

But then again, he is arrogant and combative, and a Democrat, so I’m not sure the normal rules applicable to completely embarrassed and humiliated politicians apply.  If he leaves, it will only be when he gets a visit from someone from Chicago.

Will Weiner resign prior to the next election? (Poll open until Thursday at 9 a.m. Eastern)

Update, the video (via Matt Lewis):

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