Is There Such A Thing As Being “Too Grouchy To Blog”?

Look, I can understand someone being too worn out to blog. 

After all, blogger burnout is a serious problem, often resulting in bloggers falling back on the old trick of pumping out quick, newsy bits and links in lieu of substance.

How can we be expected to work the fields all day and then tap out insightful commentary on the human condition, with a wit-tinged subtext calling out for hope in a world of change?

But this I’ve never heard this before:

I’m too grouchy to blog today.  Ever have one of “those days”? 

Well, actually, no. 

I do grouchy really well.  In fact, grouchy is why I started this blog (along with frustration, anger and fear of the “other”). 

Grouchy gave birth to the blogosphere, and grouchy is what keeps it going after all these centuries.  Without grouchy and high speed cable internet access, we’d be North Korea.

Reportedly, someone said that a grouchy person started the greatest blog ever.

But you didn’t hear it from me.

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Tags: Blogging