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Saturday Night Card Game (You Cannot Deny Me My Minority Status)

Saturday Night Card Game (You Cannot Deny Me My Minority Status)

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:

You owe me.

No really, you do.  I had not realized how much you owed me until I saw this call for solidarity among minorities.

What’s my claim to minority status? No, not religion.

You know.

I will not be denied my due.

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So what part of Russia did your GGMother come from? There are several sects, Mari, for example that go back centuries in that country what would really get you in good with the PC police.

That ad is getting a lot of attention out here and everyone, Dem and Rep, is mocking it for its audaciousness and gall. It's a funny ad but it makes Dan Adler look more like a used car salesman than a respected leader. He has become a laughing stock to all.

sort of runic rhyme | May 14, 2011 at 7:53 pm

Veit Jew up north, maybe, but down Dixie a ways it's "d'you wish" wyatt, c'occasion and, very rarely, nascah crackah.

OT, but too amazing to pass up…

The Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund and the presumptive next Socialist President of France…

Top French politician Dominique Strauss-Kahn dragged off flight at JFK, accused of sodomizing maid

NY Daily News

Now that's a real an EU meltdown.

Does this mean the Kill Whitey Resolution might finally get added to the Democrat National Platform?

Melting pot vs. salad bowl.

He's a Jew married to a Korean (melting pot), pandering to the identity politics crowd (salad bowl) at the opportunities buffet in America where Jews and Asians are highly successful (sweet) but have the freedom to act like disenfranchised Have-Nots (sour).

Only a matter of time until we get "That's like the salad bowl calling the melting pot racist." Or vice-versa. It's a crazy world.

It's as bad as the "demon sheep" commercials. What is it about California that makes them release really, really bad campaign commercials?

I am a white American who lived and worked in Africa for a number of years (and still consider it home). My wife is a beautiful African woman. Hence, if anyone can claim to an authentic African-American, it is I.

Yet many who call themselves African-American have never set foot in Africa – or even know anything about it outside of bogus "Kwanzaa" nonsense. I demand that these fakes and usurpers immediately cease to use the term "African-American". It is an example of grotesque racial insensitivity to oppose me on this.

It is no good saying that my ancestors came from Europe, and that I have no right to make such a claim. If evolution is true – and the secular media severely punishes those who dissent from evolution – then my ancestors actually came from Africa. In that case – we are all African-Americans.

But if we are all African-Americans, then where is the fun (and profit) in that? The main reason behind the modern use of racial and ethnic categories is to stoke blind, unreasoning fear and hatred of The Other (and cash in big with government set-asides from guilt-driven liberals). Jesse Jackson and Rev. Wright are pros at pretending to be African-Americans when they are merely Americans. I demand that they stop invading my turf and instead grovel before me and fork over the cash (small unmarked bills, please).

When white's from the States move to Africa, do the locals have to call them American Africans? What if you're, say, a Cherokee, do they have to call you an African Native American? Is it racist if they don't? What if you're a Jewish Cherokee?

Ah, politically correct racialist classifications- the gift that just keeps giving. I don't remember what the sport was, probably the Olympics, where the athlete was a black Russian who was, or was going to be, the first black woman to compete in or win competition X, whose ancestors apparently came straight to Russia from Africa. Of course, the American reporter was required to call her "African American", even though they freely pointed out in the story, neither she nor her ancestors had any connection whatsoever to this hemisphere. It occurs to me as I write this that maybe that's why the press was unconcerned about Obama's birth certificate- maybe in their world any black outside of Africa is automatically American.

If only there were some simpler, single-worded term we could apply to all people born in this country…

When our oldest daughter, Emily, was in the fourth grade, the teacher told the students to choose a historical incident of war in America's past to make a report on. We were driving in the car and my first feelings were a bit skeptical. Then she told me the teacher had suggested she choose Pearl Harbor. I felt relieved … until she added that the teacher wanted her to do it from the Japanese point of view (my wife is Japanese).

She said she felt embarrassed and didn't really like the idea. Irritated at the teacher, I flippantly suggested she do it from the Germans' point of view since our family name is German.

"Oh my God," Emily moaned. "I'm completely made up of the enemy."

I launched into an impromptu 15-minute speech about the greatness of America. How where your ancestors were from amounted to no more importance than geographical geneological trivia. How no American of any ancestry was any more American than any other American. I went on and on in inspiring and patriotic ways a 10-year-old could understand (and even, just in case, threw in the part that, although Daddy's father was of German descent, Grandma was Czech, Jewish, and French).

Feeling this was my finest moment as a parent, when I finished, I asked her if she understood.

She nodded and said, "I'm made up of the enemy."

I was so happy when she finally chose the story of the Memphis Belle.