Mike Huckabee Not Running
Back in January I asked, So Tell Me About Mike Huckabee. The comments were not very favorable.
I was neutral to favorable on Huckabee. But it’s not a choice. He announced tonight that his heart is not in it.
Now that Huckabee is out, what do you think?
Updates – My thoughts in random order:
- Whatever his shortcomings, Huckabee had an ability to connect with voters in a way few other candidates could. We lost a good potential nominee.
- This is the best day Mitt Romney has had in a long time.
- This is the best day Tim Pawlenty has had in an even longer time.
- There is only one motivational potential candidate left.
- The MSM will coalesce behind Mitch Daniels, which will make it so much sweeter for them when they tear him down if he gets the nomination.
- The notion that what we need is the non-Obama will grow; “first do no harm” will be the mantra.
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