He Who Knew Him Best, Didn’t Know Him At All

From some guy who knew Obama best, circa March 2008:

Transparency and accountability matter greatly to him; they are a defining feature of his proposals….

Expect transparency to be a central theme in any Obama administration, as a check on government and the private sector alike….

He seeks universal coverage not through unenforceable mandates but through giving people good options….

As president, Obama would set a new tone in US politics. He refuses to demonize his political opponents; deep in his heart, I believe, he doesn’t even think of them as opponents….

Obama wants to know what ideas are likely to work, not whether a Democrat or a Republican is responsible for them….

In short, Obama’s own approach is insistently charitable. He assumes decency and good faith on the part of those who disagree with him….

As president, Barack Obama would be a genuine uniter. If he proves able to achieve great things, for his nation and for the world, it will be above all for that reason.

That guy’s judgment on someone he claimed to know so well was so far off the mark. 

With such a profound lapse in judgment, that guy never should be put in a position of responsibility.

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Tags: Obama campaign, Obamamania